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Outer Speak

The world is full of cults and nonsense who want to worship the Demons and other planer beings that suppossedkly reside just outside our dimension. Why they want to do this is unknown to me since these beings have all proven to be terribly murderous entities, but hey to each their own I guess. These cults are mostly splinterd based on which entity that they want to bow down to this week. There are some, who worship those entities of grand title and legendary deeds, and there are even those who want to worship the one who appeared for five seconds set a house on fire and vanished. Some even worship the House Of Joy even though it's extraplanerness is wildly debated.   They all seem to be at war with each other even more than they are with the rest of the world and The King, but when they do get together they have seemingly developed a, for lack of better terms, language to communicate with each other. None outside of their cults can understand or even learn the speak. It only sounds like mashed together syllables and sounds that don't lace together like words, or sound like they have any semblance of context or rhythem. Writing seems to be nothing more than scratches in a wall displaying no symbols or pattern. It seems like there's some sort of "unlocking" that needs to happen in the brain before one can understand the language. That when you join one of these cults you can finally understand what it all means in the extra planer sense.   As someone who has tried to join a cult before and did so for a time I still don't understand any of the language at all, but maybe I got the heck out of there too soon or something. Some say that the language is given to the cultists by the ones they worship, and the language is actually what they speak in their great dimensions of yonder. Scholars think that learning to understand this speak can put us into contact and maybe negotiation with these horrible things. I say that based on what crimes the cultists are normally trying to accomplish I say some things aren't worth trying to understand.

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