Sir Isaac Galeheart Character in I Have no Idea Yet | World Anvil
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Sir Isaac Galeheart

I've been told by some of my peers that collecting legends and stories is a pointless waste when I could be spending time collecting gold, or weapons, or better yet Armaments of Power. Of course the last one is the worst of them all. Take the story of Sir Isaac Galeheart. A knight I heard tale of through peasants and nobles alike. Now I've heard it was to protect a lover, or a king, or just to receive more and more glory. The lower class seems to prefer the lover or friend aspect and the nobles seem to prefer the king or glory story. But no matter why he did it Sir Isaac collected Armaments. He grabbed swords that would cut through metal like butter, shields that could parry an arbalest, a suit of armor that would make the user tireless, and legions of other weapons. Well all of that certainly made him neigh invincible, but also the mixture of powers and energies supposedly sealed him inside his armor for all time. They say he walks across the lands still to this day challenging anyone and anything he comes across, walking through buildings and castles without stopping, and slaughtering any who stand against. Nothing but a wraith of a former honorable man.   There's a wonderful story about maybe not collecting powerful weapons that we barely know how they work no matter how hard you'll be able to smack the person who looked at you funny across the bar. Shame it's utter hogwash. The idea of a normal man, even a knight, collecting even three Armaments would be insane, but seven? Ridiculous. And if there really was an unkillable undying knight walking around we'd have heard way more accounts, or witnesses. Still finding this man would be a way to a great way to increase your armory if you could stop him.   And if anyone else didn't get there first.

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