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The trading post of Swinford is where anyone can go to haggle their wares, or buy legions of items. Furniture, decoration, foods, spices, weapons anything you can hope to find and more. Their are honest merchants and shady ones, and ones that really shouldn't be selling the things they do. The sheer amount of haggling and shortchanging and aggresive marketing is a bit much. It gets to the point where outsiders have taken to calling it things like Swinetown or Swindleton.   But that being said there's no better place to go to find something, or even someone you are looking for. They have their own little government in Swinton made up of all of the best and riches of the traders, and a few smaller up and comers to keep the balance. They are shrewd and fair, and most of all very deticated to neutrality in all things. That includes outside politics to the point of not even allowing the Armament Hunters to make too much of a stink in their city. Still forced to let them in but you take your fights outside or so help us we won't be trading with you anymore, and that's quite the threat. Even the King himself takes to treaing the merchants of Swinton with an almost begrudging respect because of it.   You cause any sort of trouble in Swinton and the guard will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Crime is to be kept in the merchant type, and even then you go to far and you're gone. With all that Swinton ends up being actually one of the safest places you can go to hide out. No one cares who you are, or where you've been, just as long as you don't mind losing a few coins along the way.
Trade post

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