
Actually petrified wood, godstone is one of the few reminders that the Murgoth Desert wasn't always inhospitable. When the Tear of Embriel landed in the region and destroyed the forest, some of the trees were instantaneiously petrified, permanently encasing both a geological record and some of the last remnants of the Embrielic Gods.


Geology & Geography

Most readily accessible sources of godstone have already been found. New pockets are usually discovered when digging out room for building foundations along the Gods' Gift River.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

While the people of the Murgothi Confederacy find pragmatic uses for this material – with the Confederacy removing it from private households when discovered – the Shrilari find this to be sacrilege. They instead view these items as the last gift the Old Gods gave them before leaving the world, and should be chereished as such.   Each household has a piece of godstone carved into an effigy of those gods, which the furniture and other decorations are arranged around. Prayers are held around these each day at both dawn and dusk. When out on extended raids, the raid leader is responsible for bringing a small statuette made from godswood in order to continue the prayers.

Manufacturing & Products

The risidual divine energies stored inside the petrified wood can be used to enchant mundane items. The most common types of items enchanted with this material are weapons and armor in order to give the Murgothi Confederacy, and the dynastic families that run it, an edge in battle.
Licensed Merchants
Only a select few are allowed to engage in the trade and processing of godstone in the Confederacy. This is one of the few ecomonic ventures that is regulated by the Confederacy itself instead of the member states.
Wanted!   Shrilari raiders, dead or alive. 50 gold a head. The scum have been attacking our river boats, espeically those carrying godstone supplies.
— Poster seen in Tor Volare

Cover image: by MOM


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