To End a War: II.I Prose in Iainus | World Anvil
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To End a War: II.I

Written by blueberryripple13

The soldiers were back at Eoberona and left all the genies except Maeraka back at Altridi. They sat in silence in one of the castle’s many conference rooms and waited for someone to speak up about what could be done. Warda gave the task of releasing Eshington of dictatorship to her most trusted task force, however, not one person had an idea.

Warda looked around. She looked to walls of a crimson velvet and the many portraits of Iainus officials that hung on the walls. She looked to beige carpet on the floor and to the long oak table that stretched out before her and how it was so polished, the chandeliers of pure diamonds were reflected so purely as if one was looking straight at them.

The queen shared eye contact with her daughters, of whom she trusted to no end and her faith in them could never falter. Rose seemed to keep up the façade of confidence and regality whereas her younger sister, of whom was only 4 years into being a princess and great-granddaughter of Gods, seemed to give up on her outward appearance and was fencing Rachel Wilder with pens.

“So, we have been here, sitting in silence for 20 minutes, and nobody has an idea?” Maeraka decided to break the silence, “I mean, I can just hop over there and kill the guy! I have a sword and infinite power! What else is there to figure out?”

“How are the people of Eshington going to govern themselves? Will there be any kind of rebellion? What will the other countries say? What about Eshington government officials? Prisoners? There are so much other variables to consider when it is international affairs, especially when it comes to post-war relations and trying to take down another country’s leader of which is a possessive dictator,” Giselle held her head in her hands as she explained to her friend why simply killing someone may not always work. “I understand things may be different for you back home, but to sort things out in a civilised manner, we must discuss and then carefully plan out what we are going to do!”

“Are you saying that I’m not civilised? Is that it, Frenchie?”

“That’s not what I’m saying!”

“Well that’s certainly what I’m getting from you! And what you mean ‘different for you back home?’” Maeraka was now standing up and glaring at the girl that sat in front of her.

“If your first instinct is to kill someone, then that reflects on your upbringing!”

“Sit down, girls,” This time, Eliza stood up. “I don’t want you two fighting over something so trivial amid everything. Calm down before you both get into trouble.” She readjusted her lilac polka-dot headband that kept back her short, brown hair and smoothed out her matching swing dress as she sat down.

Warda thanked the young General for keeping her “soldiers” in line and allowing the meeting to not fall into a fight of ancient racial stereotypes. On the other end of the table, Scylla leaned over to her twin and had a quick discussion that she vocalised afterwards for the group to hear, “So, Charon and I were thinking that perhaps we could talk to Credal’s leaders about their thoughts on dealing with the situation.”

“They are the land of peace, and combined with us, the land of music, and most importantly, wisdom, it is guaranteed that good will come of it and the chances of any casualties will be incredibly slim,” Charon finished off.

[P]Dontae managed to climb up the army’s hierarchy very quickly since going to Altridi and was very grateful for the opportunity to be in such an important meeting, that she wouldn’t let the opportunity go to waste, “If we will get Credal involved, then we will also get Steisau involved because of their close relationship. Jashington as well will be very important to have onboard because of their military. They could be a good backup.”[/P] [P]“That would leave Gushos and Lechoaland without input and that might make their relationship with us not very positive,” Edvard added, “It might be best if we include everyone on this because it is a very important decision to make. Not to mention the ground-breaking work Lechoaland’s doctors have done on medicine and I have been told by my dear sister that Doctor Rose Pineash-Huber likes to grab any chance she gets to work with them.”[/P]

“Thank you for calling me out like this, and Edvard, I have told you a million times to stop with all the formalities; you are part of us now, Rose will do just fine.”

Edvard gave a dorky smile and looked down at table whilst mumbling something incoherent.

“Sounds like a plan. Eliza can contact Jashington and Gushos, Rose can contact Lechoaland,” Warda scanned the room, “Octavia, if you could be on Credal and Steisau that would be great.”

Eliza gave a thumbs-up, “Sounds tight but what do I say? Do I call for a meeting, ask for their opinion, or do I just start belting out The Chordettes?”

“I don’t know who you are referring to, dear, but call for a meeting regarding Eshington in two days, or on the 23rd, Eoberona time. Got that down?”

Eliza scribbled the information down her purple notebook. She closed her book and nodded at the queen. The meeting was dismissed, and the group split off. Before they managed to get away, Eliza called the Quantum Watch over.

“Girls,” She gave them all a firm glare, “I don’t want to see any of you fighting over something so petty and insignificant. I don’t care if you disagree with their culture or whatever,” Eliza directed her gaze to Giselle and Maeraka, “What you two did today was foolish and impacted all of us. How do you think it reflected on my ability to keep us all in check? Apologize to each other and pray to Jutia that this doesn’t happen when we have international officials over on Friday.”

This specific story came from a school assignment I have edited and adjusted part 2 but I still need to adapt part 1 to make it readable.


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