
Like it says in the players handbook Tieflings in Iant are distrusted for their looks, as it reflects their infernal bloodline. Where the usual story proceeds to claim most Tieflings have to do one way or another with the hate, disgust and aggression their looks cause, in Iant the Tieflings have reacted by turning the hate right around. Most of the Tieflings consider themselves chosen while calling all the other races inferior and primitive.
It is exactly this approach that has led to the formation of the Tiefling nation of Har Meggidon. After many years of being persecuted by other races and chased from all lands and areas, some Tieflings organized themselves into a group that through political string pulling and outright violence expelled almost all other races from the part of the world where the first Tieflings are said to have originated. This group is known as the Poldora which is still active as the national intelligence agency of the country.

Basic Information


Since Tieflings were originally created from humans, most of their features are still human. However, the influence of Asmodeus and his ilk is very clearly present in all of them, although in varying degrees. All Tieflings sport sizeable horns in a large variety of shapes and styles. Straight, twisted, curled, smooth, spiraling, there is no end to the many ways in which the demonic headdress presents itself in the Tiefling individual.
Also, all Tieflings have tails, about as long as the rest of their body and they can use these much like a cat does.
As concerns their eyes, they are unsettling indeed. Not containing a discernable pupil or iris, the entire eyeball is one solid color. The variety is endless. Mainly though the variation of colors is either black, red, yellow, white, gold or silver.
The teeth of Tieflings are mainly human, but with their canines being larger and clearly pointed much like an animals'.
As concerns skin color, some still have human skin pigmentation. Most other Tieflings have a red skin. But other colors present in demons are also possible.
The hair of a Tiefling is usually a dark color, although grey or silver hair also exists. The variety of dark colors, again, is greater than that of humans. Often seen colors include red, blue and purple.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings grow and age much the same as humans, with the difference of living to higher ages. Examples living well beyond 100 are common.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most senses of Tieflings are similar to those of humans. However, due to their infernal bloodline they have been blessed with 60 feet darkvision and a resistance to fire damage. Also, the Tiefling has got some innate magical powers, granting him Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke and Darkness.
Scientific Name
Homo Asmodensis
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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