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The world is in turmoil. Some of the races have turned on each other, some have turned their backs on the others, some have disappeared, and the shadows harass them all. Monsters, fiends, and beasts have become the norm.   In recent times, the races have become largely introverted, primarily looking inwards toward domestic issues. The Dwarves and their God-King Borlus are waging a war on two fronts, the insects above and the dwellers from below. They have found allies in the nomadic Halflings who have settled in their lands. The Humans of the Labraxian Kingdom, separated into the four provinces of Bechor, Thenia, Ushye, and Osnea, have been suffering from a plague, trade difficulties, economic stagnation, orc raids, undead incursions, and political upheaval from the power vacuum left by the missing king with no heir. The Shimmering Forest, home of the Gnomes, has been of particular interest to the Humans and thus, tensions between them have been at an all-time high. The elves have almost all disappeared and the jungle they used to call home has become fraught with danger, claiming every brave adventurer who dares risk its depths.   There are no stars in the sky. No eclipses have ever been recorded. The moon has no phases. There are 5 seasons: Blossom (70 days), Harvest (70 days), Warmth (70 days), Storm (20 days), Frost (70 days). Every year on the first of Blossom, life begins anew. While crops grow year-round, the land becomes more bountiful, providing larger yields during this time of year. Warmth is the month where the temperature rises steadily. The heat starts can strain the land and its people. Storm is a time of the year when the sky turns red and natural disasters are rampant. The waters fluctuate without warning, tornados rip apart the lands, lightning storms span kingdoms, and fires spread to and fro. Entire towns have been known to disappear in these 20 days. Following the devastating effects of Storm, Frost is the coldest part of the year. Repairs are underway to revert damage wrought during the storms. Crop yields are typically lower so preserved foods become staples.