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Penchrie Boat Races

Every summer, once the spring harvest is in and the weather is warm, the pirates in Penchrie hold a competition in boat building and racing. The races have their roots in pirate traditions, but have become an important cultural part of Penchrie.


The participants have a set amount of time to build a seaworthy craft out of any materials (see below) they can find around the stronghold. They then take their boats down to the docks, where they begin a race from the cove through the flooded caves. The race is often completed in near-darkness unless participants can keep a torch alight, and the passageways are twisty. The boats are propelled using a wind charm, as nearly the entire race happens underground. The first boat to successfully make it through the caves and back to the cove wins a prize, which has varied through the years from a carved trophy to an enchanted cloak to a giant cake. Any other boats which make it through without breaking also win a prize, which is usually a charm or common magical item. Participants are allowed to sink or sabotage other vessels once the race has begun, but any foul play during construction or before the boats set off is strictly prohibited.

Components and tools

Boats can be built out of any materials found by the participants. This includes, but is not limited to: wood from shipwrecked vessels, crates, sacks, clothing, sticks, driftwood, and glass bottles. The presence of shipwrecks around Torringley means that some race boats could bear several names, due to planks from various ships, and could feature figureheads as decoration or masts. Sails are often made of ripped banners or borrowed cloaks, or just various scraps of fabric hastily stitched together. A sail is a vital part, as the wind charms will only function with a sail to fill. However, participants must be careful not to build their mast too tall or wide for the twisting caves.   Participants are provided with a wind charm and a basic tool set composed of a small saw, a pair of hammers, a box of nails, and various other small tools.


The competition was originally held by the pirates, to keep their tradition of sailing and for fun. As time went on, more of the people living in Penchrie joined in, and now anyone of age is allowed to compete. There are usually around 50 participants, though the record high was 124 racers. That year, some boats were barely rafts due to the huge competition over materials.   Most of Penchrie turns out to watch the races, finding bridges or docks that overlook the cove or other open waterways. The race day has become an unofficial holiday, and ends with feasting.

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Aug 3, 2023 01:43

Oh my, what an awesome concept! I kept imagining the boat race as a high energy cartoon as I was reading. It would make a great short film I reckon.

Summer is almost upon us! Check out Freelands!
Aug 8, 2023 02:08 by Emily

Thank you!! That means a lot, I definitely had a high energy concept in my head and I'm glad it came across!