
Basic Information


The Anahara can appear to mortal beings however they please, taking on forms to suit their needs. They are naturally ethereal, and do not hold physical shape, though they do occupy physical space. They usually appear to mortal beings as members of their own race, human to humans, orc to orcs, and so on. If an Anahara has long standing relations with a certain race, they may choose to take on the form permanently, even when appearing to others.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Anahara don't organise themselves officially, but there is a definite hierarchical structure observed among them, based on the amount of 'good' one has done in the world. Those lower on the hierarchy will defer to those higher up, and great honour is given to those at the peaks of the structure. Moreover, the greater 'good' one has achieved, the more power over The Chaos they have. This is achieved through a communal effort, with all Anahara contributing to the collective 'pool' of power, and then distributing it with respect to their position. If an Anahara leaves this communal structure, they will be cut off from the community entirely, becoming a Rewara, a fallen Anahara.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Anahara can perceive both the physical and the Chaotic world, and so can see magic in it's most raw and obvious form. They can communicate telepathically with mortal beings, usually choosing to encounter them through dreams, but cannot read the minds of mortals without invitation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The names of the Anahara are impossible to pronounce with mortal languages, as they do not contain sound. Their names are a combination of virtues, which represent their character and what they care for. When interacting with mortals, they will choose a name to introduce themselves as, usually with many vowels. Examples of such names are: Eaya, Uleat, Araai, and Oltuiae.


The Anahara are Chaotic Beings, and were born out of The Chaos unbidden. They were not aligned with the Titans in any way, though some did serve Elyatar, and most fought against the Titans during The Great Clash, aiding in their eventual defeat. Since then, the Anahara have served their own purposes, at times aligning with the goals of the Gods, but for the most part they act independently.

Common Myths and Legends

To most mortal beings, Anahara are the talk of myth and legend, and are usually referred to as angels. They do not intercede in the day-to-day affairs of mortals often, and the vast majority of mortals will never encounter one. Most of the learned community agrees they probably exist, but no reliable way of contacting or summoning one has been developed.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution


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