Tulwar Species in Ibel | World Anvil
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Proud and stubborn, my dealings with the Tulwar have been enlightening, if not occasionally terrifying. I have spent some time trading with the Tulwar of Or'Karn, to that, I can say that they are certainly amiable to me, cordial in fact, even if they don't pick up on my colloquialisms, or care to try and remember what they mean when I explain. Most notably, however, whilst those that I speak to have been cordial, I can still see it in them, a deep resentment for my people and what we had done. I'm smart enough not to walk the earthen roads of Or'Karn at night, anyone else should do the same.
-Lyme Kenna, Travelling Merchant
Predating the peoples of Salizar, the Tulwar are a stubborn, isolationist people that show little interest in foreigners. Once, they were the primary inhabitants of the new world, however, their land was taken from them violently when the first colonisation attempt from the old world turned awry and a number of misunderstandings and mishaps caused a war between the two civilisations that left the Tulwar, with their limited number in ruins, fleeing east out of necessity to continue with their race.

Eternal Souls

The Tulwar are a people fully embracing both spirituality and pragmatism, often thinking them one and the same. Unlike many of the races of the world, the Tulwar do not hail a pantheon of gods, only having faith in a single one, to them, known by the same name as their species, Tulwar. To them, Tulwar is a fair god and the only true god. A god that believes its people should look after themselves and that the only gift it ever needs to offer them is the fact of their own existence and the guardianship of their souls.   It is the Tulwar belief that there are only ever exactly ten-thousand Tulwar in existence at any given time, never more, never less. They believe that upon a Tulwar's death, their soul immediately enters into that of a newborn Tulwar child, who carries with them the spirit of their forebear. Due to this, it is of the common belief that the Tulwar do not fear death as greatly as other races, knowing that they will never truly die.    



ability score increase: +1 Con
age: The Tulwar reach adulthood at 16 and can live until the age of 70, however few survive that long, there less wary tendencies often getting them killed before then.
alignment: Tulwar tend towards Lawful Neutral, however can be of any alignment
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft.
Languages: Common, Tulwar
race features:
Sense of Self. Naturally sure of themselves and believing their spirits immortal, Tulwar gain Advantage on all Saving Throws against being feared or charmed.   Keen Smell. You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on a sense of smell.

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