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Ibrus is a lush, beautiful, and treacherous realm filled with all manner of uncharted wilds and thriving kingdoms. Her people are as varied as the places they live in. With five continents making up our world and hundreds of different fiefdoms covering the land, it's not hard to believe that the times of peace have passed with tensions between empires on the rise. Some even going into all-out war. These once peaceful lands now are more dangerous than ever.   It's 1520 F.c of the fourth era, the age of Powder and Air. So named for the prevalence of Dragon powder and airships now taking flight. Magic is also more commonplace, although the arcane knowledge is a guarded thing empires fight over in the shadows. Some say it's the end times with devils, demons, and deities intervening more. Much like they did before the Cataclysm.   These days are fantastic for travelers and fortune-hunters who hear the call to adventure. Tho the world is populated with people, the monsters and wildlife that roam these lands are still very dangerous, making life interesting and difficult for those who don't know magic or how to swing a sword. From emperors to farmers everyone needs a hand and will pay. The guilds are also a fine and respectable way to make a living. Not wanting to work for anyone? The world is full of ancient ruins and secrets, some leading to vast wealth and others' great power, either way, fraught with danger.   Rumors spread about a darkness that is coming. liches are gathering, forces of a vile sort conspire in the ruins of a past world, and mages hunted down out of fear. Any normal folk will tell you your mad if you speak of these things, and as of right now you're inclined to think these tales silly. With such uncertainty, how will you be remembered? Hero, villain, or maybe just a footnote in history.