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A chwinga is a tiny elemental spirit that lives in plants, rocks, and rivers far from civilization. Those found in cold climates also live in ice and snow. Painfully shy, chwingas prefer to move about unseen. Chwingas resemble 6-inch-tall animated dolls with mask-like faces, spindly limbs, and wild hair. Their appearance is sometimes foreshadowed by gentle breezes, the sweet smell of flowers, dancing fireflies, or snowflakes. They don’t have names and cannot speak.   Humanoid Fascination. Chwingas find the trappings of civilization fascinating. They puzzle over creatures that wear armor, carry weapons, use tools, and cook food. When a chwinga encounters one or more humanoids, its curiosity sometimes gets the better of it, and it follows them for a short time to observe them. If it takes a liking to a humanoid, a chwinga might use its cantrips to aid the creature, or it might bestow a magical gift before departing. The aspect that attracts a chwinga to a humanoid can take any form. In some cases, a chwinga might simply like the way a humanoid walks or the way it combs its hair. Other times, it might be smitten by a humanoid’s ability to play music or to eat copious amounts of food.
Size Tiny
Type Elemental
Alignment Unaligned
Challenge Rating CR 0


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