Yeti, also known as tundra yeti, are large, white-furred humanoid creatures that can be found in arctic climates.
Yeti appear as a cross between a human and a bear and walked upright. Although they are usually white, their fur turns brown in the short summers of the north. Yeti have an extra, translucent eyelid that allows them to see clearly in a snowstorm.
Yeti stalk their prey and are most likely to set ambushes, using the color of their fur as camouflage. Once the fighting begins, yeti fight fiercely with their claws and strong grips. Anyone caught unawares by the yeti were unable to keep from looking them in the eye, which paralyzed the unsuspecting victim for brief time. Because of their fur, yeti are not affected by cold attacks, but they are very susceptible to heat attacks.
"Twice as tall as a man and thrice as wide. Claws and fangs like daggers. Reminds me of me, now I think of it, except for the claws and fangs of course." — Voghiln the Vast