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Icewind Dale

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Night has fallen upon Icewind Dale and the sun hasn’t risen for two years. The frozen north’s thin connection to the Sword Coast has been cut off and now the people of Ten Towns and the Reghed tribes must fend for themselves. A divine force has locked the land in frozen night. Rumors whisper of shadowy figures forging a devastating weapon in the mountains. Remnants of ancient power awaken deep beneath the ice.

Frozen Truths

  • The Sun hasn't risen in two years. There is only 4 hours of dusk each day.
  • The two-year night has cut the Dale off from the rest of the world.
  • Some citizens have begun demanding sacrifices in the name of the Frostmaiden in attempts to please the goddess and end the eternal night.
  • Ancient and powerful secrets lie under the ice
  • Chunks of strange, black ice have begun to appear amongst the snowfall

The Heroes we Have

Cut off from the outside world, the people of Ten Towns must rely on themselves to face the dangers of the tundra. Your characters are people of Ten Towns, either natives to this region or travelers trapped by the ice and snow years ago. You and the rest of the people of Ten Towns have been hardened by the brutal cold of the Dale, but this eternal night eats at even the strongest of wills. No heroes will be coming from the big cities to save you, only you can save yourselves.

A Beginning in Bryn Shander

The largest of the Ten Towns that makes up the civilized region of Icewind Dale, Bryn Shander is a walled town perched atop a lonely, cold, wind-lashed hill. Bright lanterns suspended over narrow streets twist in the wind and add flecks of color to the otherwise dark town. Speaker Duvessa Shane leads the town of over a thousand souls despite her inexperience. Once a major trading hub for the north, the colorful market square has since dried up and died, as has the humor, camaraderie, and good will of the people. Notable locations in Bryn Shander include Blackiron Blades smithy, the House of the Morninglord, and the Northlook Inn.

Your Role in the Dale

Characters will begin at 1st level and can choose from any of the options in the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. In addition to the core races, players can also choose to be a Goliath or Firbolg character. Your character has joined up with your other companions to aid the people of Ten Towns in surviving the endless night. It is recommended to build a character in expectation of cooperation as well as one that can survive in harsh, deadly conditions. The frozen tundra has no mercy, and neither does anything able to survive there.

Group Patron

  Your characters have come together at the behest of a Patron, a notable person in Ten Towns who has an agenda of helping the citizens survive. As a group, chose from one of the following patrons to work for.   Vellynne Harpell (N). Member of the prestigious Harpell family and the Arcane Brotherhood. This mysterious spellcaster seeks to learn what secrets the Rime holds.   Sheriff Markham Southwell (LG). The Sheriff of Bryn Shander and commander of its militia, Southwell has had the idea to commission civilians to help him in matters beyond his jurisdiction.   Hlin Trollsbane (NG). A retired dwarven bounty hunter who came to Icewind Dale to get away from a bad contract has taken it upon herself to bring some justice to the lawless night.   Dannika Greysteel (LN). A Half-Elf scholar who came to Ten Towns to study elementals and the legends in the Dale. She seeks to understand the strange magics that have come with the eternal night.

Safety Tools

The adventure features themes of darkness, extreme cold, murder, isolation, and paranoia.   Lines. This game will not contain physical violence towards children, unwanted sexual contact, party-initiated torture, inter-party violence, and inter-party betrayal.   Veils. Cannibalism, mental assault, ritual sacrifice, kidnapping, consensual sex, or enemy-initiated torture will be handled "off-screen" or only referenced.   If at any time, you do not feel comfortable with the content or direction of the game, you can say "pause for a second" and we can address your concerns in either public or private chat.

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Icewind Dale Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e