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Like Bryn Shander, Targos is encircled by a wooden wall, which helps to protect the town against orcs and other threats from the wilderness. The wall extends out into the lake, creating a safe harbor for the town’s boats. But now Auril’s long winter has frozen the water in the harbor, and many of Targos’s boats are trapped in the ice. Fishers must drag their smaller vessels across the ice to get to the unfrozen lake beyond the harbor walls.   Almost all the towns in Icewind Dale make their living off the lakes, but nowhere is that fact more evident than in Targos. The town has always had the biggest fishing fleet and the biggest fishing industry, and everything that goes on here revolves around hauling the knucklehead trout out of Maer Dualdon. Auril’s endless winter makes the work harder, but it needs to get done nonetheless.  

Places of Interest

The Luskan Arms

Inn (and the town speaker’s residence)   The Luskan Arms is the oldest public house in Ten-Towns, established back when Bryn Shander was still just “the camp on the hill” and Luskan was a thriving city. Many of the traders who came to Targos in those days hailed from Luskan, so the Luskan Arms was built to look like an inn that might be found in the City of Sails. As a result, much of the decor is nearly two hundred years old, reflecting Luskan as it was in the years before its decline. The inn has sturdy walls but rotten floorboards, and drafts come up into the common room from the cellar. The place is also infested with rats, which scurry between the walls at all hours of the night.   The proprietor, Owenn Tarsenel, is a quiet, balding man who has sunk into a deep depression, fearing that summer will never return to Icewind Dale.   The largest guest suite in the Luskan Arms is occupied by the town speaker, Naerth Maxildanarr, who likes the inn because it reminds him of home and is a great place to meet visitors.  

Three Flags Sailing

Tavern   Fishers come here after a long day for a bowl of stew and a quick pint before heading to bed. The atmosphere is subdued; the fishers are cold and tired and unsure about Icewind Dale’s future. The tavern is run by a plump, gray-haired widow named Ethen Yarbroul, better known as “Ma.” She fusses over the fishers as if they were her children.  


General store   Triglio takes its name from one of the chanteys that the fishers of Targos sing when they are hard at work: “Trig-lee-oh, lads, an’ ’oist upon the line/Trig-lee-oh, lads, an’ bring yon fishers in.” The store’s proprietor is Jestin Hunrae, a scarecrow-like fellow who fished the lake until his left hand was crushed in a collision with a boat from Termalaine.   The only items he doesn’t sell are fishing and sailing supplies; in Targos, such goods are supplied by specialty crafters and merchants. All other common gear, including fishing poles and snowshoes, can be bought here.


Friendliness ❄❄ Services ❄❄❄ Comfort ❄❄   Population. 650 (Previously 1000)   Leaders. Speaker Naerth Maxildanarr, who won the speakership because of his ruthless pragmatism and his popularity with the fishers. Naerth is eager to make Targos a dominant trade hub in Ten Towns.   Militia. Targos can muster up to 75 soldiers.   Heraldry. A single-sailed, black ship on a light blue field, representing the town’s pride in its fishing fleet.   Rivals. Bremen, Lonelywood, Termalaine.

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