Bremen Geographic Location in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Founded by dwarf prospectors, the sleepy town of Bremen sits on the west bank of Maer Dualdon, at the mouth of the Shaengarne River. Bremen's harbor is currently frozen, requiring local fishers to haul their boats across the ice to put them in the lake. Visitors who lack a boat can only reach Bremen by crossing the river, which is mostly frozen over. On a clear day, Targos, Termalaine, and Lonelywood are visible from the docks.   The town speaker is the dwarf Dorbulgruf Shalescar, who is the oldest living resident, and his dementia provokes him to wander at night.   Bremen is very friendly, moderately comfortable, but lacking in availability of services.   Notable buildings include Buried Treasures Inn, Town Hall, and Five-Tavern Center: five unaffiliated taverns called Stones, Even Keel, the River's Mouth, the Grumpy Moose, and the Black-Bearded Brother.

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