Good Mead Geographic Location in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Good Mead

Good Mead was founded by immigrants from Chult and the Vilhon Reach, and is known for supplying much of the mead to the rest of Ten-Towns. Aside from the two-storey Town Hall, all of its buildings are squat, one-storey affairs, adorned with the likenesses of dinosaurs, serpents, lizards, and wyverns. While the buzzing of bees is audible all through the town, the mead deliveries have halted for the time, since a verbeeg marauder emerged from the adjacent woods and stole 3 casks, killing town speaker Kendrick Rielsbarrow. Friendliness and comfort are middling here, but services are meager.


  • Shrine of the Flaming Sword

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