Session 11 - You're Someone Who Can Get Things Done Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 11 - You're Someone Who Can Get Things Done

General Summary

Previously on...

Having cleared the Keep at Caer Dineval of most of the bumbling Knights of the Black Sword, and liberated Speaker Crannoc Siever, you won the admiration of Fel Suparra. She asked whether you wanted to free the servants that had been locked away in the cistern on Kadroth's orders. Unsurprisingly, you did.

From Caer Dineval, you set out for the Black Cabin to investigate the rumors of magical experiments, finding a very shoddy structure with a burnt corpse in it. The corpse's ghost was able to communicate with Morag, and a sooty note in a bedroom hearth helped you fix a weather-controlling device called the Summer Star.

From here, you took off to Revel's End. You were welcomed, and used Duvessa Shane's letter offering to attempt to commute the sentence of Prisoner 237. He spilled the beans, admitting all wrongdoing, and saying that any Arcane Brotherhood wizards in Icewind Dale were probably looking for Netherese artifacts, and possibly investigating the legend of a flying city that crashed 1,000 years ago.

He said Avarice has a promising future; Dzaan doesn't shave his head or wear red robes, but he's still a Thayan, and probably wants to deny use of the Weave to anyone who isn't. He mentioned a "nobody" called Nass Lantomir, and a Vellyne Harpell, whose greatest strength is the clout carried by her family name.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
09 May 2022

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