Session 13 - Dzaan It All! Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 13 - Dzaan It All!

General Summary

Plesiously on...

Duvessa Shane listened with great interest to your information about the Arcane Brotherhood, the Summer Sun, and Ravisin, all of which was plainly more than she knew. Regarding Naerth Maxildanarr, she seemed disapointed but unsurprised.

You stayed again at the Northlook, getting to know each other better, and passing the night uneventfully.

On your way to Caer Dineval to resupply the Uphill Climb, you encountered a group of shield dwarves, on their way to sell their takings from the mines of the Dwarven Valley and spend the earnings. Elodin bought them out (30 pounds of iron ore and 10 of coal), and both parties went about their business as planned.

Stopping in Caer Konig, you were interrupted by Speaker Trovus, awakening from one of his night patrols. He was searching for thieves, who have been beleaguering the town by stealing anything of value (most recently the color-changing lantern that hangs outside the Northern Light Inn), and absconding unseen. Having been robbed blind, the town cannot promise compensation if you help find the thieves, but Trovus would be enthusiastically grateful for your efforts, which you put on the back burner.

You found the buried tower and slid down an icy tunnel (Morag left a giant goat as a lookout) to find each room to be upside-down, with magical sconces illuminating them with upside-down flames. In the library you found books titled Magical Wonders of Netheril, Mysteries of the Phaerimm, and Wizards in the Hollow. In the workshop you found an iron key, which was used on a chest affixed to the ceiling of the next room, where Orville caught four potions of resistance (one each of acid, cold, fire, and force). Going through a hole in the library floor, you found a laboratory with two cages: one empty, the other containing the corpse of a thri-kreen. More books in the apprentices' study, Ajamar's Guide to the Phantasmic and The Unfettered Mind. In a pile of rubble you found a skeleton with a missing finger. Down another hole, another laboratory full of shattered glass and alchemical equipment, and a hole knocked out of the north end of the western wall. In the detritus, you found a small brass key and a sealed scroll tube made of chardalyn. Opening the tube revealed a spell scroll of invisibility stamped into golden foil.

Proceeding through the door in the north wall, a whirring amulet was being examined by who you presumed to be the crispy wizard Dzaan, stood next to a wight, behind a desk surrounded by small, organised stacks of books. Smiling warmly, "Dzaan" welcomed you to "the lost spire of Netheril," and indeed, introduced himself as Dzaan, though he claimed to have no recollection of having met you. When questioned, he explained that he is a simulacrum of his creator - the real Dzaan - made of snow and shadow. He had no knowledge of his creator's crimes. As Lucian moved to attack, the wight, Krintaas, stepped between the two, sword held defensively. The simulacrum explained that the tower is a fragment of a Netherese city that crashed nearly two thousand years ago and lies somewhere under the glacier. On the lowest level of the tower is a chamber that can turn illusion into reality, but it must be activated by a life-spark, which both he and Krintaas lack. He assured you that the chamber cannot harm anyone in any way.

Lucian landed two or three hits on Krintaas, but the wight did not strike back...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
03 Jun 2022

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