Session 1: Continental Breakfast Report Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 1: Continental Breakfast Report

General Summary

You awoke to a free breakfast on the entrance level of Closeguard Tower, and ate heartily. Duvessa led you to the harbor, where you embarked by ship, being rowed up the Shaengarne and docking in Maer Dualdon, going overland to Bryn Shander.

Once there, Duvessa left you to your own devices so she could resume her duties as Speaker, from which she had been absent for 6 tendays. You asked an urchin for directions to the Northlook, which he gave for free, but when offered 2 gold to lead you there, he tried to milk a 3rd from you. Upon failing, he fled.

At the Northlook, you overheard talk of murders across Ten-Towns, and met a retired bounty hunter, the dwarf Hlin. She told you the murders had only taken place in the three towns that sacrifice lives, instead of warmth or food in their superstitious attempts to appease Auril the Frostmaiden to end her Rime. Out of boredom and a sense of moral decency, she investigated, finding a man, seemingly immune to the freezing temperatures: Sephek Kaltro, a bodyguard for Torrga Icevein, owner of a travelling general goods mercantiler called Torg's. Hlin has more money than she expects to spend before she dies, so she offered you 100 gold each to ascertain Sephek's guilt and deal with him, independently of the authorities who are implicit in her theory that the murder victims are lottery dodgers in the sacrifice scheme. Hlin advised you that Torg's left 2 days ago, heading east.

Apart from Hlin, you also heard rumors at the Northlook: an awakened sperm whale in the Sea of Moving Ice, a hilltop Jarlmoot site to the west, a pirate ship stuck in ice norhtwest of Bremen, and that the elusive Reghed nomads know where to find hidden things.

You left for Easthaven, arriving two years after dark, and rented rooms at the White Lady inn, where the barkeep told you that Torg's had been selling in the Market Square earlier in the day. Around 4am, Arrakas overheard the barkeep greet someone called SK. He sneaked down to observe with Styron, finding the only patron in the building to be an itinerant shield dwarf miner called Shumtharn Kindmantle. SK told Arrakas that he thinks Auril is not responsible for the endless night, but rather the Arcane Brotherhood, one of whom is scheduled for execution on the night of the new moon. Further information given was that another member of the Arcane Brotherhood, Vaelish Gant, former (and disgraced) advisor to Duvessa Shane, is imprisoned at Revel's End, and if not pulling the strings himself, he may have valuable information. SK departed for his campsite, and Arrakas and Styron retreated to their rooms. All enjoyed a successful long rest.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
19 Feb 2022

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