Session 17 - Gnomblin Chief Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 17 - Gnomblin Chief

General Summary

Departing Jarlmoot, you found your path impeded by an approaching frost giant. Arrakas took to the sky, and everyone else hid inside Alif's rope trick, successfully avoiding the giant's notice as she approached the moot and began fighting the skeleton.

The remainder of the trek to the goblin fortress was uneventful. You sneakily scaled a cliff, avoiding the shivering goblins' notice, and soon slashing, piercing, and/or bludgeoning your way into the keep. Alif pursued the dormant shield guardian while Mai opened the Chief's quarters in the keep, revealing him to be a rock gnome in disguise.

Lucian subdued a healer who had been muttering and fretting next to the healers' camp brazier. An alarm sounded from another tent, which Orville smashed twice, as the fortress' attention turned to you...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
18 Jul 2022

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