Session 18 - On Diverting the Collective Mindset of Goblins Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 18 - On Diverting the Collective Mindset of Goblins

General Summary

While about half of the party took a hard line toward killing goblin healers and mothers indiscriminately, Elodin, Mai, and Morag listened to the tale of the chief, Yarb-Gnock, who is in actuality a gnome, disguised as a goblin, who has been trying for years, with some success, to improve the lives and reduce the predatory of this tribe.

The healer Manafek, sole among the goblins wise enough to have seen through Yarb-Gnock's deteriorating disguise, eluded the worst of your attacks, and quietly confessed her observations, adding that she doesn't eat the meat of those taken captive, prefering plants and occasionally goats. She also wants the goblins at large to stop their raiding, but admitted that it's nearly impossible to change the course of generational habits.

Yarb-Gnock wished to be escorted to Bryn Shander to seek asylum since his capabilities with illusion magic can only do so much as his mask rots away, and led Elodin, Mai, and Morag onto the battlements to tell his followers to stand down, which they did. He appointed Manafek his in-absentia chief, explaining that he had an important errand to which he must attend. You conferred with Yarb-Gnock (relieved to introduce himself as Spellix Romwod) and Manafek, and she swore to do her utmost to convert the surviving enclave to a non-exploitive way of living. Lucien gave a stern admonishment against further raiding of passing caravans, and you departed.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
01 Aug 2022

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