Session 3 - The Bard and the Wizard Report Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 3 - The Bard and the Wizard Report

General Summary

Alif, Anubis, Arrakas, Elodin, Lucian, and Morag arrived back at the White Lady just as Mai and Orville were waking up, and filled them in on their adventure. Mai went downstairs while Orville watched an uneventful hallway. Mai decided to tidy up the common areas of the inn, catching the notice of a halfling, who approached, introducing himself as Rinaldo, the inn's unofficial bard. He spoke of the inn's namesake, a ghost who haunts Lac Dinneshere and the towns on its shores -- who he intended to summon with a seance at 3am. Mai passed word to Orville, and she attended the seance, while Orville observed through a narrow doorway. There were six other tavern patrons in attendance, and Rinaldo seemed to successfully make contact with the ghost. The windows frosted over from the inside, candles went out, and Rinaldo invited his guests to ask questions of the spirit. Words appeared in the frosted windows: "Caer-Dineval cult," "invisible dwarves bad intentions" and answers to mundane questions.

In the morning, Mai recounted her experiences to the sleeping party members, who easily replicated all of the effects of the seance, but could find no trace of falseness about it. Alif found an additional set of words, "Magic cauldron caves."

The tavern keeper was questioned about the wizard being executed, and it was learned that he was being held in the dungeon of the Town Hall.

At the Town Hall, Elodin found a secret door while remaining in the entryway with Arrakas and Orville, while the rest met Captain Nystra Arlaggath, chief of the city guards. She questioned them, and was successfully persuaded to allow them access to the wizard. The Captain further informed them that not only had the wizard Dzaan killed his guides, he killed anyone else with whom he knew they had shared the tower's location.

Most questions brought only amused expressions, but the wizard revealed that he was familiar with the spell zone of truth, which Morag had cast again. Alif cast detect thoughts, seeing images of Dzaan sitting with a wight he called Krintaas, the tower, blood spilled in the snow, and a crudely drawn penis, between images of flames. Captain Arlaggath became skeptical of the adventurers, who had learned nothing new, and firmly invited them to find their way out. Alif rebutted that he had, in fact, learned that this wizard seemed to want to die, was likely a necromancer, and that his death would be impermanent. Alif argued for a different means of execution, and with each method mentioned, detect thoughts showed him the wizard dying in that way and feeling good about it. Alif cast Tasha's hideous laughter and the interrogation squad went back the way they came.

Meanwhile in the entryway, Arrakas noticed Elodin's fascination with a certain painting of a ship, which was, as she informed him, a secret door. He opened it, provoking a startled and brusque reaction from Speaker Danneth Waylen, who was seated, working at his desk, in his office on the other side of the hidden door.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
01 Mar 2022

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