Session 4 - Invisible Goals Report Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 4 - Invisible Goals Report

General Summary

Next: Session 5 - 6:10 to Bryn Shander Report">

The party had reconvened in the entryway of Easthaven's Town Hall. Alif got a notion to ask Captain Arlaggath if she knew anything about the invisible dwarves mentioned in the seance. She said there had been reports, from near the docks, of footprints appearing without any observable creature making them. The party learned that the Easthaven Ferry had halted service at the request of Speaker Waylen, who felt that the waters of Lac Dinneshere were too hazardous for Scython, the owner and operator, to profit from civilians, and Scython agreed, being the good-natured and charitable tiefling he is. When asked if there was anything else Captain Arlaggath needed help with, she told them of four fishers who had been missing for a tenday, and she could toss 5 gold each if the party would seek them out.

A trip to the Wet Trout was in order, since Scython spends his idle time there, and all of his time is idle now. He was in high spirits, and informed the adventurers that he had been enjoying his life of surviving on savings, favours, and good will. He hasn't visited his ferry in months, as nothing is likely to happen to it while it's surrounded by ice. He repeated the gossip about the giants' Jarlmoot, and told them there is a feud between goliath clans in the Spine of the World. He thinks goliaths are cool, and would like to meet one when they're not so bellicose.

There was spirited discussion of how to conduct the search, involving telescopes, levitation, the risks of flying in frigid temperatures, and sending an octopus to search the lac for the White Lady's husband's capsized boat and treasure chest. Upon approaching the Ferry, it was decided to investigate!

The ice around the door of the ferry's cabin had been broken away, and Orville's critical success revealed that the too-wide-for-elves-or-humans footprints were certainly made in the last 24 hours. Arrakas picked up a map from the table as Alif threw powder at the room, and a duergar called Durth appeared and attacked. He was quickly subdued, restrained, and put forth a warning: he is the son of Xardorok Sunblight, who will conquer Icewind Dale and be bad to make an enemy of. He was tight-lipped about any details about his claim, and shrunk out of his restraints, making a run for a tiny gap in the ferry wall. Lucian's quick reflexes halted him, and Alif put Durth into a small jar with air holes in the lid. A suggestion spell from Elodin provoked answers galore. Xardorok is using a forge powered by a red dragon's living heart to construct a chardalyn dragon, with the purpose of destroying Ten-Towns so Xardorok can become the ruler of Icewind Dale. Durth was here with his mates Klaska, Ossyl, and Zublorr to scavenge whatever chardalyn they could, and take it back to Sunblight's forge. There is also another scavenging crew based outside Caer-Konig.

Right about then, the three other duergar returned from their scavenging and were ambushed very effectively. Owly swooped, Lucian jumped, arrows and spells were shot off, and Durth grew to Large size, destroying both the jar and Lucian's backpack. Lucian wrecked his plans again, though, slicing Durth's knees into unusability. With the three underlings dispatched and Durth going nowhere, Lucian recalled that some duergar are classified as Mind Masters, and Durth had failed at provoking him into attacking an ally.

Given the information about the threat to Ten-Towns, Mai felt that the four fishers should remain top priority, but was met with adamant disagreement. There was discussion of how to get word about Sunblight to Duvessa Shane, while the party went to deliver Durth to Captain Arlaggath. As they arrived at Town Hall, the execution of Dzaan was beginning. The wizard made no sounds of protest or discomfort as the Ten-Towners gathered in the warmth of his fate.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
08 Mar 2022

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