Session 6 - The Fishers Found? Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 6 - The Fishers Found?

General Summary

Previous: Session 5 - 6:10 to Bryn Shander Report">

Having followed some footprints and slain some harpies, you found yourselves in a cave tunnel, at the top of a frozen waterfall, with torches lit. You took a divergent tunnel off to the left, and ascending a flight of stairs carved into the icy floor, you found a blood-spattered cavern with a frost giant skeleton partially encased in ice.

Investigating revealed that the skeleton was holding a greataxe, slick with fresh blood. At the base of its icy encasement was a puddle just as fresh, with drag marks leading into another tunnel. The trail was followed up another flight of stairs and into another cavern, where a frail old woman stood between an unlit cauldron and a stone platform. This platform was surrounded by rusty hatchets & cleavers, and four sets of humanoid remains. The old woman looked at the party and smiled eerily.

She readily confirmed that her stew ingredients were the missing fishers, who were killed by her frost giant thrall in the ossuary through which you had arrived, and found herself quickly surrounded and levitating against her will. A will-o'-wisp revealed itself nearby, its light revealing her to be a lake hag, and the floating ball of light tried and failed to strike one of the party with lightning. The hag tried to claw at Lucian behind her, but flailingly missed. Her horrific appearance, likewise, did not succeed in frightening anyone, and she began soaking up damage and was paralyzed by Alif. Styron landed a blow that certainly must have brought her to the very brink of death, when she managed to croak out a surrender.

Orville restrained the lake hag with rope, and Alif dispelled his hold person spell, at which point she offered you the magic cauldron and a chest of gold to leave and go about your business. Inspecting the cauldron, Alif learned that even without a fire beneath it, the contents were piping hot. What followed was a series of negotiations involving the giant undead thrall, the hag's survival (or not), the promised gold, and the cauldron's ability to feed Easthaven indefinitely.

It was agreed that Mai's suggestion spell would be used on the hag to retrieve the gold, and the frost giant skeleton, which had indeed followed the party from the ossuary, but halted in place at the bottom of the steps, be destroyed. Half of the party followed the hag out of the caves, while half remained to study the Cauldron of Plenty. After 4 hours had passed, the party noticed a waterlogged chest a bit north along the bank. It's lock had been knocked off, and there was no sign of the hag, who had not been told to return to the party.

The chest was examined and found to be safe, additionally containing 600 gold. Exploring the rest of the cave system yielded a frozen pond with many frost giants' corpses entombed within; an abandoned campsite where a dwarf explorer had apparently been driven mad by the moaning sounds incessantly echoing throughout the caves after observing that frost giants would come here to drown themselves in a sacred spring; and some giant cave paintings illustrating the same custom. One isolated cave held the bones of two dragons, as well as a lone dire wolf who would not be befriended, and was soon killed and skinned.

Upon arriving at Easthaven Town Hall and gaining audience with Imdra Arlaggath, the adventure was recounted and the cauldron gifted. Captain Arlaggath paid you each your 5 gold, and regarding the cauldron reverently, said, "I'd better get Speaker Waylen to have a look at this. Wait here, if you please."

She leaves you in the company of Prudence Tarkwold, the secretary you met on your first visit to Easthaven's Town Hall.
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
22 Mar 2022
Primary Location

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