Session 7 - That Werebear Really Tied the Quests Together, Did It Not? Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 7 - That Werebear Really Tied the Quests Together, Did It Not?

General Summary

In Easthaven Town Hall, Captain Arlaggath returned to you and the Cauldron of Plenty with Speaker Danneth Waylen, who sent Prudence to acquire 30 gallons of water. To express his gratitude for the gift of free food for the hungry in Easthaven, he offered you 5 gemstones worth 500 gold each, but needed 48 hours to retrieve them. In the meantime he requested that the cauldron be kept under guard in the Town Hall, to which you all agreed.

You then set out for Bryn Shander, to revisit Duvessa Shane's request, having discerned the fate of the Easthaven fishers. She asked that you travel to Revel's End and interrogate Vaelish Gant for information on Arcane Brotherhood activity in Icewind Dale, and gave you means to both incentivise and punish Gant, based on results. You then enquired about Gant's crimes, which she summarised as an independent attempt to prove himself to the Brotherhood's leadership, via betraying her, personally, and trying to take over Ten-Towns and its trade routes. Her incentive is a promise to try and commute his sentence (which is currently life, approaching 5 years served), and her punishment is emptily warning the warden of a potential plot to free him (resulting in more isolative treatment). When questioned about the Arcane Brotherhood, she told you they are a cabal of wizards who are based in Luskan and dizzy with self-conceit.

While in Bryn Shander's Town Hall, Alif noticed that the lantern of detection was glowing green, and the party set out in search of chwingas. Before long, the sweep of the town was interrupted by a woman fleeing her snowy cottage, yelling at the wind, and warning you of the curses it carries. She described finding her windows opened, and missing trinkets and cutlery. Tiny footprints were found leading away from her cottage, and you stealthily followed them to a small clearing where three chwingas were pretending to be humans eating food, using a real plate, fork, and knife. Mai, thrilled, made an exclamation, and having caught their attention, joined in their playing, gained one's affection, and named it Snowflake. The rest of the party gradually joined as well, and the three chwingas joined your adventuring.

On the way back to Easthaven, Lucian spoke more about the Arcane Brotherhood, calling them evil, and pondering the significance of Duvessa's mentorship under Vaelish Gant, as well as her partnership with Kimmuriel Oblodra in hiring you. A massive polar bear then distractingly crossed your path, stopping to fish in a frozen pond. Upon gaining his snack, he shapeshifted into hybrid werebear form and greeted the party, which had slowed to observe. He is Percival, one of a tribe of Goliath werebears led by Oyaminartok, who 25 years ago saved Anubis from the frozen grave to which his mother, Queen Bjornhild Solvigsdottir of the Tiger Tribe of nomads, tried to send him as a sacrifice to the Frostmaiden. Percival informed you that an older human woman accompanied by kobolds and an owl had been sledding eastward, but conspicuously north of the Eastway road. He also confirmed that there is a cult in Caer-Dineval - they worship Levistus, and have been fortifying themselves inside the town's Keep. He knows the tales of Angajuk, the awakened whale, who can be summoned by a bell under a rock arch in the Sea of Moving Ice, and of the panopticon prison Revel's End, but has personally never been that far to the northwest. He assured you that if you ever happen to encounter Oyaminartok's tribe you will be welcome, Anubis in particular.

You arrived back in Easthaven in what should've been mid-afternoon. Dannika Greysteel was not yet at the White Lady Inn to reconvene with you, so it was mingling time. The tavernkeep revealed that he isn't the only one who works there, and that the speaker of Caer-Dineval has been too ill to make public appearances for months, which is a relief to those who withstood his bullyish shouting and theatrics. Commerce to and from Caer-Dineval has reached a standstill with the ferry service halted, and all the town's taverns have run dry. Anubis elected to drink heavily, after the fresh reminder of his parentage. Arrakas brought a pair of dwarves some ale, and learned that a gnome in Bryn Shander claims that magical experiments are being conducted in an ancient and mythic cabin at the northeast end of Maer Dualdon. Mai found Rinaldo the unofficial bard, and convinced him to go retrieve Dannika, and Arrakas's new friends told him a story of a local fisher who had a magic fishing hook. She was killed and robbed by gnolls, which hunters later tracked to a chasm, but were too afraid to enter.

Rinaldo returned with Dannika, who distributed your gold as promised, along with a spell scroll of Animal Friendship, which she handed to Mai. Learning that the chwingas' ability to alter the environment is only illusory, she seemed to lose interest in them, and began to depart back to her research. She stopped when asked if the party could be of further assistance, and asked if you could bring her some bones of a white dragon. Teeth from the caves were pulled from various pouches and bags, and Dannika said she is in possession of a recipe for potions of resist cold, to which you will be welcome when she finishes brewing it, if the teeth work.

You stayed once again at the White Lady Inn, and after waking, decided to check in at Town Hall. As you approached, you began hearing banging sounds and weary shouting from inside...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
29 Mar 2022

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