Session 9 - A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To The Rager Report in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Session 9 - A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To The Rager

General Summary

Intrigued by evidence of squatters at Dinev's Rest, the party began investigating. Elodin began casting her alarm ritual. Prestidigitated showers of sparks first bore no fruit, but one clumsy footstep was heard in the corridor! Two invisible dwarves were found in a room with a hole in the ceiling, and they were made visible by virtue of incineration. Meanwhile, Arrakas was attacked from 3 sides in a different room, and Styron, hearing the commotion, ended his perimeter search to join Arrakas through the room's window, immediately slaying another unseen foe. Mai thought she was stealthy as she went out one window and peered through another, but still successfully lit a magical bonfire on the most evasive of the six duergar. Morag pulled a goat out of her bag, which charged through the bonfire, finishing off the duergar.

A tiefling called Fel Suparra entered the tavern, investigating the sound of Alif's toll the dead, and as the party accumulated toward the front of the building, she seemed overjoyed, stating that she couldn't believe it was really you, addressing Orville as "the Runaway Author." She invited you to meet with her superiors in the Knights of the Black Sword, Kadroth and Hethyl, at the Keep whenever it was convenient for you. Mai and Styron went out to advertise your wealth of ale, attracting twelve thirsty punters.

After taking a long rest, two casks of ale were sold at a tidy profit to the Uphill Climb as you made your way to the Keep. As you approached the gates, a voice began to recite a speech of dismissal because of Speaker Crannoc's ill health, before Fel interrupted, welcoming you warmly and opening the two gates and portcullises into the courtyard. She descended and lead you into the keep's great hall. A young tiefling was gathering dirty dishes from the three tables, and Fel introduced you to Kadroth (a balding, paunchy red tiefling) and Hethyl (an ancient-looking dwarf with a peg leg). Kadroth also welcomed you, introducing himself, and informing you that Hethyl is a soothsayer. Hethyl remarked that she has been dreading this moment, before telling you that she has seen you as the singular barrier between Xardorok Sunblight and his destruction of Ten-Towns, but you are not yet strong enough to survive a confrontation at his fortress. She then sagged, dead, from her chair. Kadroth told you she foresaw that she would die the day she met you, and that the Knights of the Black Sword also seek to destroy Xardorok, and offer you an alliance in doing so.

In a combination of Lucian asking specific questions and Alif detecting thoughts, you further learned that the cult is hosting Avarice, the albino tiefling of the Arcane Brotherhood, and that they believe Xardorok works in conjunction with Asmodeus, the jailer of Levistus. They offer you soldiers and lodging if you accept their proposal.

Next time...
Dunstons, Dragons, and Dives
Lucian A'Thuit
Report Date
12 Apr 2022

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