Targos Geographic Location in Icewind Dale | World Anvil
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Encircled by a wooden wall, which extends far into the waters of Maer Dualdon, Targos' booming fishing industry has the safest harbor and largest fishing fleet in all of Ten-Towns. Though it has frozen over, its fishers still carry smaller vessels across the ice to open water. Its population is 1,000, and its Speaker is a human called Naerth Maxildanarr, recently relocated from Luskan. His ready distribution of gold throughout the town, paired with his down-to-earth and friendly demeanor made him a shoo-in for Speaker when the former one, though popular, didn't want the job anymore. Naerth lives at The Luskan Arms Inn, as does the militia captain, Skath. Other noteworthy places in town are Three Flags Flying (tavern), and Triglio (general goods). Services are plentiful, and friendliness and comfort are average.


  • Luskan Arms

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