Misc Info

  • The goliath Eglath Yeticrusher mentioned that there are wizards of the Arcane Brotherhood soliciting the help of adventurers.
  • For two years summer has not come to Icewind Dale and the winters have gotten progressively worse. Most recently, Icewind Dale appears completely cut off from the south, with all normal routes completely blocked.
  • Tali Eryfolk thinks that feeding an infant yeti the most fresh and bloodied kill might help bond the yeti to a foster caretaker. She has also read in legend that harvesting the milk ducts of a yeti mother (both piecemeal and powdered stirred into liquid) will assist with bonding also.
  • The people of Bremen extinguish their fires at night as a warmth sacrifice in an attempt to appease the Frost Goddess Auril. The people of Targos offer human sacrifice in an attempt to appease the Frost Goddess Auril.
  • The Zhentarim, or Black Network, is an organization of well-trained mercenaries, savvy rogues, and crafty warlocks who seek to expand their influence and power throughout Faerûn. They walk a fine line when it comes to the letter of the law and don’t shy away from the occasional shady deal or illicit activity to get what they want. The organization encourages individual ambition and those who take matters into their own hands. Results are all that matter.
  • The Arcane Brotherhood is a cabal of powerful wizards that operates out of the city of Luskan on the Sword Coast. The Brotherhood’s goal is the acquisition and hoarding of arcane lore and magical secrets. Once welcomed into the brotherhood, wizards are free to pursue their own interests so long as they place the security and sanctity of the group cabal above all else. Open conflict between members is forbidden, yet members are adroit at finding underhanded ways to sabotage one another.


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