Secrets Learned

  • Two Frost Druids, Ravisin and the since-deceased Vurnis are taking action around Ten Towns to drum up fear and upset to appease and empower Auril, including encouraging human sacrifices and awakened beasts to attack inhabitants.
  • Torrga tried to start running a protection racket in Targos, but Speaker Naerth shut that down quickly and "encouraged" her to leave town.
  • Eglath Yeticrusher has heard that three or four powerful wizards are roaming around Ten Towns.
  • Eglath Yeticrusher advised Zarra that her markings are rare and unique and known to him. He wouldn't reveal their meaning, but made clear that she is destined for important things...if she can survive. She must have much more experience and training if she is to fulfill that destiny.
  • The Targos speaker, Naerth Maxildanarr, is a member of the Zepharim, a shadowy (and often criminal) organization which is trying to expand its influence across Ten Towns. Rumor has it that Naerth occasionally "disappears" his enemies to Termalaine where his lackey, Lt. Skerrin of the militia there, holds them prisoner.
  • A rash of reports of awakened plants and animals (many reported by Toothless) have originated in an arc between the northwest (Lonelywood) and northeast (Caer-Konig) and southeast (Easthaven) of Ten Towns.
  • A troubling trend indicates some unknown connection between the activity of duergars searching for chardalyn; frost druids sowing fear and discord in the name of Auril, the Frostmaiden; and members of the Arcane Brotherhood who are rumored to be searching for a fabled ancient Netherese city of magic.
  • The wizard Alekos surmises that Sephek Kaltrow was a human body infused and animated by a spirit of the Frostmaiden, although he cannot imagine why such a being would have been in service to a common cutthroat such as Torrga Icevein.
  • Toothless reported that: 1) awakened plants and animals meet with Ravisin at the "Lonelywood Tomb" to report and receive instruction; 2) Ravisin is furious that Zanborin interfered with Toothless' fealty to her; 3) Ravisin is enraged that some unknown person in Lonelywood murdered her sister, Vurnis; and, 4) there is an undersea tunnel between Maer Dualdon and the Sea of Floating Ice, but since the Rime it has narrowed and is very treacherous for Toothless to negotiate.
  • The Party was told by Janth, the spirit inhabiting the kobold Trex, that prior to his death at the hands of Ravisin he was a medicinal botanist, and one of a party of five of the Arcane Brotherhood who set out on a quest in Icewind Dale, but whose egos have led their party to go their separate ways.
  • A gnome named Iriskree Harrowhill, owner of The Happy Scrimshander in Lonelywood, is said to have a mysterious past and to be knowledgeable of sordid goings on in that part of Ten-Towns, potentially including the murder of the frost druid Vurnis.


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