Session 10 - An Affair of Honor

General Summary

Following the encounter at the Gem Mine, the Party returned to Termalaine for the night, deciding that bringing the feared kobolds into town in the dead of night would be unwise. A morning meeting with Speaker Oarus Masthew and the gem mine's leader confirmed the kobolds' story that they hurt no one, and a possible welcoming of the kobolds into Termalaine was brokered.   Upon their return to Termalaine, the Party found a large crowd gathered, anxiously awaiting their return and that of the kobolds. Lt. Skerrin immediately and loudly attempted to take credit for the Party's success in clearing the mine. Skolas instead gave the credit to Masthew, sparking Skerrin to call them liars and demand a duel of honor. Zarra stepped forward to accept the challenge, and she and the sergeant of the guard, Klaus Hildegard, fought to mutual exhaustion with equal skill and honor. The clash made clear that Hildegard was truly a man of honor, though one trapped by sworn oath to obey Lt. Skerrin.   Meanwhile, as the fight commenced, Trex snuck away through the crowd. Zanborin tracked him easily although Trex was able to elude capture by weaving through the crowd and winding alleys. Eventually, Zanborin whipped out his crossbow and shot Trex in the leg, who limped into the nearby busy marketplace. Zanborin observed Trex speaking to a human, hand the man his precious satchel, and then slump and and stare blankly as the human quickly walked away. Choosing to ignore the bleeding Trex for the moment, Zanborin tracked the man until he was cornered against the lake on the dock. Accessing his deep knowledge of ghosts, Zanborin recognized that the Arcane Brotherhood botanist Janth Alowar had moved his spirit from the body of Trex into this new human host. Zanborin tried to talk Janth into leaving this new host, but Janth adamantly refused. Recognizing that alone he was no match for a hostile ghost, Zanborin relented, but not before convincing Janth to accompany the Party in search of a solution for his restless spirit.   The Party reconvened at the Blue Clam...Zarra to recover over a drink with her former adversary, Klaus; and Zanborin and Skolas to conclude their business with Speaker Masthew. The Speaker offered thanks, payment, and information including: confirmation of a secret Zhenterim prison in the woods; rumors of a "crazy wizard" of the Arcane Brotherhood named Dzaan; and a suggestion that a gnome named Iriskree Harrowhill, owner of The Happy Scrimshander in Lonelywood, is "in the know" on much of the shady goings on in this part of Ten-Towns, including the murder of the frost druid Vurnis.   Although tempted to continue directly on to Lonelywood, the Party ended this adventure considering whether a rest and weapons refit in Targos, along with an informational visit with Tali and Alekos in Bryn Shander, might prove a wise precaution before taking on Ravisin and her awakened minions near Lonelywood.
Report Date
02 Sep 2023


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