Session 2 - The Tundra to Targos

General Summary

The Party visited the Bremen Townhall, and were ushered in by an elderly tiefling female, Sheefta Delvinish, to meet Griffa Shalescar, the dwarven daughter of Bremen's leader, Dorbulgruf Shalescar. Sadly, Dorbulgruf is left with only the mind of a child...presumably the evil work of the Frost Druids Ravisin and Vurnis. Griffa stands in his place as Speaker pending the next town election. Upon learning the Party was not from Icewind Dale, nor acting as agents of the leader of Targos, Griffa offered the Party friendship and future succor, if needed. Griffa also expressed her distaste for the Targos Speaker, Naerth Maxildanarr, as overseer for the corrupt sacrifice lottery there, and sees him as a corrupting influence in Ten-Towns altogether. She urged caution dealing with him, and made clear that he has secured the loyalty of the large militia there, headed by his lackey Skarth Ilkadare.   Later, as his new friends slept a final night in Bremen, Zanborin secured a means of future communication with the very willing plesiosaur, Toothless, who promised to come to converse with him should she ever be within earshot of his signaling horn.   The Party set out for Targos in the morning. A blizzard struck, separating Skolas from his companions. As Skolas hunkered down, Zarra and Zanborin stumbled into the ambush of a ravenous Yeti. The duo was forced to kill the Yeti, which was in a very weakened state from having just given birth. They rescued her hours-old foundling, which greedily partook of its own mother's blood as a baby does to milk.   After reuniting with Skolas, the Party continued to Targos, outside of which they encountered an elderly woman at the foot of a shrine to Auril, grieving the town's sacrifice of her daughter, as she lay still exposed upon the altar. They continued on to the Main Gate of Targos, where they were given numbered bone runes of their own -- macabre reminders that those remaining in Targos at the new moon are subject to the lottery...barring high influence or a bribe to get out of it.
Report Date
06 Feb 2023


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