Session 8 - Trouble in Termalaine

General Summary

After liberating the stolen ingot sled from scavenging goblins, the Party headed toward Termalaine to return the ingots to their rightful owners. The Party crossed paths with a wizard, Vellynne Harpell, who enlisted their aid to find her missing fellow wizard, Nass Lantomir, and a valuable object she possessed -- a magical, smoky gray sphere.   Arriving to Termalaine very late, Zarra and Skolas took rest at the Eastside Inn. Meanwhile, Zanborin visited the shores of Maer Dualdon and successfully contacted the awakened plesiosaur, Toothless, yielding interesting information concerning the Frost Druid Ravisin. At breakfast, Zarra and Skolas learned of a curse visited upon their young innkeeper, Marta Peskryk, and her father by the evil Ravisin, with Skolas promising to provide Marta healing aid when and as his skills developed.   At the Clan Battlehammer Forge, the safe delivery of the ingot sled and the sight of the Hruna's blood-mark was sufficient to extract full payment, including a bonus in the form of a magic-infused scale from the legendary Netherese dragon, Pyrothraxis the Red.   A visit to the Blue Clam tavern interrupted an argument between the town Speaker Oarus Masthew and several militiamen regarding their refusal to clear the local gem mine of invading kobolds. The Speaker later confirmed that political intrigue was behind the militia's refusal to act, and the Party agreed to clear the gem mine.   The Party followed up their tavern visit (or, rather, Skolas and Zanborin followed Zarra) with an intrusion into the militia barracks, where Zarra proceeded to aggressively shame the collected troops on their failure to clear the mine. The hesitant reaction of the militia was offset by the steely confidence of their informal leader, who refused to rise to Zarra's bait.   The Party left the barracks with evening fast approaching, Zarra's ax-blade still dry, and her itch to dispense righteous redress upon some deserving malefactor still waiting to be scratched.
Report Date
22 Jul 2023


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