Sessions 5 & 6 - Investigating Bryn Shander

General Summary

The Party entered Bryn Shander with more questions than answers, but determined to run Torrga to ground and get some answers about Old Man Gallaway's disappearance.   At the Market Square, Skolas discreetly learned from a shopkeep that Targos Speaker Naerth Maxildanarr was the likely culprit in Gallaway's disappearance, and further that Naerth is a main player in the Zhentarim, a shadowy criminal organization. Later, the shopkeep tracked them down to share that Naerth is rumored to have his enemies in Targos "disappeared" to Termalaine -- where his lackey Lt. Skerrin keeps them locked up until they do as they're told...or disappear for good.   At the Northlook tavern, amid a perplexing serenade from Ol' Bitey, a mounted knucklehead trout, Hlin Trollbane offered a bounty to the Party to "take care of" Torrga's bodyguard, Sephek Kaltrow, but warned the Party that Torrga would be aware of their inquiries about her. Later that night, the Party was ambushed by a cadre of Torrga's gang. Heavily outnumbered, the Party felled three and mortally wounded two others before the cold-blooded Sephek Kaltrow joined the fight. With both Zarra and Zanborin knocked out of the fight, Skolas stood alone...until Eglath Yeticrusher arrived and defeated Kaltrow, causing the remaining gang members to flee.   Acting on a tip, the Party discovered one of the gang barely alive in hiding at the town Stables. He revealed that Torrga was next headed to Termalaine. Zarra and Skolas brought the brigand to the Armory, where Sheriff Markham Southwell enlisted their aid to locate weapons stolen from the Armory, likely with the assistance of two of the Armory's militia. Meanwhile, Zanborin separately assisted the Stable owner with a sick axe-beak, earning his gratitude in the form of a two-for-one discount on purchase of the beasts. After reuniting, the Party secretly followed the two militiamen to Kelvin's Comfort tavern where Skolas befriended them and learned that they had indeed sold the weaponry to a half-orc named Zarruck Tuskripper, a fence who often patronizes the Hooked Knucklehead inn.
Report Date
04 Jul 2023


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