Side Quests

  • Cora Mulphoon is the owner of the Treasured Inn in Bremen. Her adult son, Huarwar, went missing during a blizzard and later displayed an uncharacteristic change in demeanor. Two tieflings wearing chardalyn amulets later arrived and offered Huarwar sanctuary in their castle. He left with them willingly. Cora has given Zanborin a tiny splinter of the chardalyn that she took from her son and asked you to keep an eye out for him during your travels. Griffa Shalescar suggested that Huarwar must be under the influence of dark magic. The only castles in Icewind Dale known to Griffa are those at Caer-Dineval and Caer-Konig.
  • A raiding vessel of the Luskan coast, the Dark Duchess, is shipwrecked hundreds of yards into the Sea of Moving Ice, far northwest of Bremen. The ship was expected to arrive about two years ago, and might possibly have transported Nass Lantomir to Icewind Dale.
  • Torrga's is a small traveling merchant company, owned and operated by a shady dwarf named Torrga Icevein. Zanborin wonders whether Torrga might have been involved in his mother's murder.
  • Old Man Gallaway (proprietor of the Gallaway Trade Depot in Targos) has disappeared and Tap Tap (a very nosy kenku) is now in charge. Rumor has it that Speaker Naerth Maxildanaar was leaning on Gallaway to provide information on the comings and goings of the Depot's customers. Naerth is also rumored to "disappear" his enemies to Termalaine where his lackey, Lt. Skerrin of the militia there, holds them prisoner.
  • Eglath Yeticrusher Akannathi of Skytower Shelter is searching for a cure for his great-aunt’s blindness. Helping to find such a cure would go a long way to create acceptance for Zarra amongst the Akannathi clan and, perhaps, healing their rift with her own Thuunlakalaga clan.
  • The Party heard a rumor that, in Lonelywood, a white moose is attacking loggers and trappers on sight, and the town’s best hunters can’t seem to catch or kill the beast. Toothless suggested that the moose is also awakened and in thrall to Ravisin.
  • The spirit of Janth Alowar, a deceased medicinal botanist of the Arcane Brotherhood, cannot find its way to the Ethereal Plane and is inhabiting living bodies as a result.
  • In Bryn Shander, Sheriff Markham Southwell has paid you 25 gold pieces of a promised reward of 100 gold pieces if the Party's information leads to recovery of the weapons stolen from the town Armory by Zarruck Tuskripper. You should check in with him during your next visit to Bryn Shander to see if you can collect the remainder of the reward.
  • The wizard Vellynne Harpell offered the Party a non-specific reward for information leading to finding her fellow wizard, Nass Lantomir, and enough of a reward to "comfortably retire for life" if they recover the object she is looking for -- "a smoky sphere about the size of a grapefruit...with pinpricks of silver light coming from inside".
  • Zanborin is considering the merits and methodology for awakening the male plesiosaur in Maer Dualdon to provide an equal companion for the lonely Toothless.
  • Skolas is considering how he might assist the Termalaine innkeeper, Marta Peskryk, and her father, who suffer from a cursed ring inflicted upon the two by Ravisin.


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