Town of Bryn Shander

Summary: Bryn Shander, the largest and most advanced domicile in Ten Towns, is a walled town perched atop a cold, lonely, wind-lashed hill. While unarguably drab and dour compared to even the smaller cities south of the Spine of the World, it is practically luminescent by Icewind Dale standards. Its narrow, blustery, desolate streets often open unexpectedly into bustling public squares where business, both social and mercantile, is animatedly conducted by its diverse inhabitants.   Despite Auril’s unyielding winter, there is no safer place in Icewind Dale to spend coin or spend the night. The stone walls of the town stand some 30 feet high and provide a rampart for its well-trained militia to fire below. The wall’s hinged gates are 15 feet tall and can be barred from the inside with iron-banded wood beams. History has confirmed its storied place as the ultimate stronghold of humanoid civilization in Icewind Dale; a place where the petty political and mercantile squabbles that dominate discourse across the Ten Towns have occasionally been put aside to fight back the forces of darkness and evil which inevitably encroach upon it every few generations.   Places of Possible Interest:
  • Abel's Arcana - This magic shop near the West Gate is run by Abelerion Heavywood, a blonde-haired, massively overweight elf, out of the living room of his home. It contains a small but very interesting and eclectic inventory of magic items for sale.
  • Armory - This repository of weapons and armor also serves as barracks for the largest and best trained militia in all of Ten Towns. The highly regarded Sheriff Markham Southwell is often found here.
  • Blackiron Blades - Located near the East Gate, this combination smithy, weapons and outfitter shop is owned by the brother and sister team of Garn and Elza Fincher. The quality of Garn's blades is notorious throughout in Ten-Towns...and not in a good way. Stories told about hapless newcomers meeting an untimely end in Icewind Dale often end with the punchline “’ ’e was carrying a Blackiron blade, to boot!” Elza's adventuring supplies are also well-known amongst the Dale's permanent residents, but rather due to their extremely high quality. Fortunately for Garn, Elza's love for him outweighs her business sense, as she would have quite the thriving business were she to go it alone.
  • Council Hall - This large structure is located just inside the West Gate, and houses the council chambers where the Speakers of Ten Towns gather to discuss matters of importance to all. The Debate and Proclamation Chambers are on the lower floor, with the upper floor holding the Ten Towns War Room and the Bryn Shander Speaker's office. Speaker Duvessa Shane can often be found here.
  • The Crypt - Lying below the common burial ground, the Crypt is the final resting place for those Icewind Dale inhabitants of wealth or renown. It lies adjacent to Punishment Square.
  • Geldenstag's Rest - This drafty, rather lackluster inn is run by a widow named Myrtle Geldenstag, and is generally patronized by honest folk looking for a quiet place to rest. The widow Myrtle's strict prohibition of alcohol likely explains the inn's ability to maintain its peaceful reputation.
  • The Hooked Knucklehead - This inn is run by Twelve Claws, a Tabaxi nicknamed Leo, and caters mainly to traders. It contains a number of upstairs meeting rooms in which business can be conducted. There are private sleeping rooms available, and a large outdoor patio for those foolish (or paranoid) enough to conduct business outdoors.
  • House of the Morninglord - This cathedral serves as a gathering place for worshipers of Amaunator, a god of the sun known to take both male and female forms. A rather zealous priestess named Mishann runs the shrine to her “Morninglord”. Healing services can be purchased here.
  • House of the Triad - By far the most impressive structure in all of Ten Towns, The House of the Triad is crowned by an intricate sculpture which memorializes the pain both endured by the oppressed and meted out by the righteous. Overlooking Market Square, this temple serves the Triad, consisting of the deities Ilmater (the God of Perserverance and Suffering, and patron of the persecuted), Tyr (the God of Justice), and Torm (the God of Duty and Righteousness, and patron of paladins). No mere house of worship, this is a working temple. Its priests actively support those few whom they deem worthy of advancing the causes of their respective deities, including provision of the most advanced healing in all of Ten Towns.
  • Kadu's Wonderous Scrolls & Potions - Located just off Market Square, this scroll and potions shop is owned by Kadu Banfyx, a quiet, quirky little gnome who rarely leaves her shop. While modest by the standards of Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate and Calimport, this shop by far has the most extensive inventory of magical scrolls and potions for sale to the general public in all of Ten Towns.
  • The Keep - This is the sanctuary of last resort for government officials and the well-connected should the walls of Bryn Shander ever be breached by an attacker.
  • Kelvin's Comfort - This is likely the most popular tavern in town amongst those with easy coin to spare due to its wide variety of dwarven ales, brandies and other specialty drink from across Faerun. Or, rather, its formerly wide variety -- the "Everlasting Rime" has hit this establishment and its dwarven owner, Ogden Flamebeard, very hard due to his inability to restock from south Faerun the specialty liquors that are his stock-in-trade.
  • Market Square -Near the center of town is Market Square, the thriving market that is the focal point of trade in Icewind Dale. Fishers, crafters and merchants from the other towns all converge here to trade goods...and news. In addition, many dwarves from the Dwarven Valley and Kelvin's Cairn and, occasionally, hunters from the goliath tribes of the tundra meet here as well.
  • The Northlook -The Northlook is an inn/public house and the establishment most frequented by mercenaries and adventurers. As such, it’s the rowdiest and most dangerous place to stay in Bryn Shander. At the same time, its taproom is a great spot to get leads on profitable ventures, along with the latest news and rumors. It is owned by a retired sellsword named Scramsax, and is also home to Hlin Trollbane who rents lodging here.
  • Rendaril's Emporium -This large shopping emporium overlooks Market Square and, while it sells many common adventuring goods needed by the rough and ready, it is (likely) the only source for high-end luxury goods in all of Ten Towns. Its internal security measures are the stuff of legend and, if even half of the stories are true, a score or more of would-be thieves have met untimely ends within its walls, which likely explains the patchwork paint on the establishment's floors.
  • Speaker's Palace - Located close to the South Gate, this is the residence and workspace of the Bryn Shander Speaker, currently Duvessa Shane, and includes guest bedrooms for visiting Town Speakers and other visiting dignitaries.
  • Stables - Located along the city walls midway between the North and West Gates, here one can rent or purchase sleds, sled dogs and ax-beaks (and be trained how to use them, if required).
  • The Subtle Solution - This little-known potions establishment is not far from the North Gate, and stands out for its bright and verdant garden, somehow growing all manner of colorful plants in this bleak and snowy landscape. Rumor has it that a full range of poisons and other nasty potions can be acquired here, provided that its owner, a tiefling named Nowhere, feels fully assured of a customer's discretion.
  • Townhall - This large building borders Market Square and generally stands empty except for infrequent community events, or the quiet study of the very few historians, scientists (including Tali Erylfok) and other intellectuals of Icewind Dale. Its upper floors hold Ten Towns' largest repository of historical chronicles and books of learning. In the event of a town emergency, the Townhall also serves as shelter for those without the influence to gain entry to the Keep.
  • Tharrom's Warehouse - Located just inside the North Gate, this warehouse rents space for traders.
  Population: 2,500   Leaders: Speaker Duvessa Shane and Sheriff Markham Southwell   Militia: Targos can muster up to 400 soldiers, with a solid cadre of veteran soldiers to lead them.   Heraldry: Black antlers above a vertical shaft of golden wheat on a white field, signifying the town’s strength and prosperity on the vast, snowy tundra.   Sacrifice to Auril: None    


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