Town of Lonelywood

Summary: Lonelywood is a quiet town of loggers, fishers, and scrimshanders scratching out a living on the very edge of the civilized world. Roughly half of Lonelywood’s able-bodied residents trawl the lake for knucklehead trout, while most of the others spend their days in the forest felling and hewing the trees that are used to construct boats and buildings throughout Ten-Towns.   Lonelywood attracts the region’s shadiest element, from unrepentant thieves to cold-hearted killers, looking to start a new life. Despite its attraction to criminals and miscreants, Lonelywood is curiously calm and law-abiding, though the infrequent breaches of the peace tend to be exceedingly sharp and violent. The realities of survival demand that the residents live and work together, and not dwell on minor slights or historical grudges. A visitor can make many friends here but would be wise not to dredge up the dark deeds of anyone’s past in this small town.   Places of Possible Interest:
  • The Happy Scrimshander - This little shop sells the tools of the scrimshander’s trade. The shop’s owner is an elderly gnome named Iriskree Harrowhill who, similar to half the town's residents, is reputed to have had a dark and mysterious past.
  • The Lucky Liar - Fishers, woodcutters and scrimshaw artists gather here in the evenings to weave tall tales.  Given the nefarious origins of many patrons, drink-loosened tongues occasionally let slip valuable or dangerous secrets amongst the cock-and-bull stories.
  • Pavel's Used Goods - This cluttered business is what passes for a supply shop in such a small remote town. It offers an eclectic mix of non-magical adventuring gear of varying condition.
  • The Ramshackle Inn - This aptly named building -- which used to be the only inn in town -- closed after its last owner hanged himself in the building two years ago. Townsfolk are currently using the vacant building for storage, but anyone interested in refurbishing and reopening the old inn can likely purchase it for next to nothing.
  • The Speaker's House - Speaker Nimsy Huddle is extremely well-liked throughout Ten-Towns and, ever since the Ramshackle Inn closed its doors, the middle-aged halfling has opened her small guest house to short-term visitors. Her delicious halfling-shaped cookies are acclaimed in Lonelywood and are eagerly anticipated by the Ten-Towns Council of Speakers when she brings them to meetings.
  Population: 125   Leader: Nimsy Huddle is a cheery halfling who has been elected as Speaker by almost unanimous acclamation for many years. Her small physical stature belies the outsized, though subtle, influence that she wields in the Council of Speakers.   Militia: Lonelywood can muster up to 50 soldiers. Though rarely needed due to the self-sufficient and law-abiding nature of Lonelywood's inhabitants, this small force is tough and extremely competent, built around a solid core of experienced ex-soldiers.   Heraldry: Two narrow white triangles, one descending from the center top, the other rising from center bottom, almost meet on a forest-green field. The top triangle represents an icicle, denoting Lonelywood’s northerly location; the bottom triangle is an ivory horn, representing the town’s scrimshaw trade.   Sacrifice to Auril: Food


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