Asphodel Snowbloom

Asphodel Snowbloom

Once the owner, operator, and brewmaster of the largest brewery in Icewind Dale, The Hopped Snowbloom Brewery and Taproom in Easthaven, Asphodel Snowbloom was well known and well loved throughout Icewind Dale. One night in a drunken stupor and through the cruel whims of Beshaba and the strange will of Frey, he accidentally burned down his brewery. When he woke the next morning, he knew that he had been given the greatest gift in the destruction of his livelihood. Where his life had been a meaningless endeavor up to this point, steeped in greed, drunkenness, and licentiousness, the evil and the folly of the world were illuminated to him that fateful morning. He picked up the greatsword, adorned his helm with black antlers, and set out to rid the world of evil - the greatest of which was the drunkenness of Icewind Dale and of the world. His path was set. His oaths were sworn. His vengeance was just.


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