

Ursuin was the lone survivor of a caravan of traders attacked by the Wolf Tribes of Reghen. Orphaned at the age of 6, he came to the attention of a polar bear cub after sharing the few remaining provisions from the caravan with the beast (hoping to not become a meal himself). When the cub returned with it's mother, the giant bear took him in among her cubs, and though she did not provide for him in the same way she did for her cubs, she provided warmth and protection in exchange for his contributions to the hunt. Though in hierarchy he was always the "runt" of the den, he came to fondly care for his cub brethren and his matriarch, and considered himself nothing more than a bear cursed with an inferior, hairless body.   At the age of 10, he was discovered by Saedalis, a druid hermit of Cair-Konig, who took him into his care. Naming him Ursuin ("of the bears"), he began to educate him in both the ways of humanity and the druids. He soon found the druidic ways came quickly to his ward, but the habits of humans were much harder to instill. Once Ursuin learned Wild Shape, he spent much of his waking time over the next few weeks in the form of an adolescent bear cub, indulging in the hunt in a way he never could as a child. Saedalis allowed him this indulgence, and was correct in assuming that Ursuin's animal instincts would eventually come in to conflict with his newly acquired human tastes. By the age of 16, Ursuin had embraced his humanity, though he continues to carry several bad habits form his early upbringing and continues to crave the solitude of the wild over the company of other men.   Ursuin remembers little of his life before his time with bears, and carries only one momento from his past: a bone-carved pendant in the shape of an elk skull.

Druidic guide to the lands outside of Ten-Towns

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Chaotic Good
dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
11 inches


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