Beastmen Species in ID Quest | World Anvil
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Beastmen are essentially anthropomorphic animals. They typically have a set of arms and legs and features from a specific type of animal. For example, a wolf beastman would have the head of the animal, their sharp claws and fangs, a tail, and their senses. However, this rule changes based on two factors. The type of beastman someone is and the man to beast ratio. Someone could still be a beastman if they only have ears and a tail. This counts for the opposite side of the spectrum as well.   While the most common type you would find is mammal variants, it is possible to find avian, reptilian, amphibian, aquatic, insect, and arachnid type beastmen. Though some types like hiding their presence from others, sightings tend to happen less. Despite wanting to stay hidden, some ignore their tribe's ways to become adventurers.

Basic Information


It is hard to go over this section because of the wide variety of Beastmen. However, as previously stated, they are like humans but with animal traits. Although, these traits tend to augment how they appear. For example, mammal-type beastman tend to be either bigger or smaller depending on the animal. In contrast, avian-type beastman have hollow bones and a set of wings to help them fly. Therefore, the anatomy boils down to what type of beastman you are looking at and their animal.   For a fun fact, it is common to see arachnid-type beastmen with multiple arms. The number of arms varies between the type of species, however.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most beastmen reproduce sexually, needing one of the opposite genders to create offspring. The pregnancy of beastmen, like everything else, varies from species to species. But it often mirrors that of humans. Although, it is pretty standard for some beastmen to have a litter. Rarely, some beastmen reproduce asexually, but that doesn't stop them from finding love.

Growth Rate & Stages

Beastmen develop rather quickly compared to other races. As a result, some mammal beastmen might be bigger than full-grown adults when only hitting puberty. In contrast, the smaller types of mammal beastmen would end up being smaller than average full-grown humans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet depends on what animal they are. Carnivore types will mostly go after meat; herbivores eat plants, while omnivores can go either way. Despite this, it isn't uncommon to see beastmen try things outside of their usual diet. As for how they require their food, there are two ways. They can either hunt it down or go to the local market.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Most beastmen have the head of the beast. Meaning, they'll have a muzzle covered in fur, sometimes filled with sharp teeth, a beak and feathers covering their face, or some are slimy and have smooth skin.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Like humans, they can live all over the place. Primarily because of their fur and their ability to hunt down things with ease. Although, some do not want to be disturbed by others, so some tribes end up going to secluded locations no one else dares to go.

Average Intelligence

Like humans, their intelligence varies. However, it is worth mentioning that most beastmen are knowledgeable in hunting. Some might attribute this to their senses or their instincts to help them hunt down prey.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All beastmen have the ordinary five senses that a regular human has. However, their senses are more extraordinary due to their bestial traits. For example, some might hear better, taste better, see farther distances or have more than two eyes. It all depends on their species, after all.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Since IDQ is a game world, there are no genuine naming traditions with beastmen. But for those hardcore roleplayers, there are some ways beastmen are named. First, it depends on what kind of animal they are in the first place. Second, what color their fur, scales, or feathers are. And third, if the child has any unusual traits. For example, if they are gifted in using magic. So, they end up getting a name based on these three factors.

Average Technological Level

The technological level they obtained isn't too high. But, beastmen have learned and interacted with other races. So this can be split off into three categories—beastmen who want to stay with their old traditions and fight with their bare hands or simple tools—those who dabble in using modern technology and are interested. Then we have beastmen who go balls to the wall, using and making whatever they can with their hands.

Common Dress Code

There isn't a dress code for beastmen. However, most beastmen wear looser clothing than other races due to how big their bodies can be. Another reason is that some beastmen are covered to head to in fur so wearing extra layers may be unbearable.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Their customs and traditions differ from beastman to beastman. However, there seem to be some common traditions amongst the tribes. For example, most predatory beastmen have a common practice of the young ones proving themselves by catching or killing a monster. Another example is that avian beastmen have a day dedicated to celebrating that they can fly. Also on this day is when people teach the younger ones how to fly.


In the past, based on physical prowess, determined where you stood in the tribe. As a result, people treated you like a second-class citizen and a burden if you were weak. If you proved yourself not useful, you would find yourself kicked out of the tribe. In some cases, as punishment, they might use you a bait.   However, as time went on now, beastmen discovered new ways to hunt and survive. Some learned to make traps and weapons, others found new resources, and others learned to use magic.  With these factors, their society changed drastically. So while you still need to contribute to the tribe, it isn't about the strongest anymore. Moreover, they weren't as strict as they used to be since they started getting into contact with other species.

Common Myths and Legends

It is a common legend amongst all beastmen that if one gets strong enough, they will mirror the traits of their mythological counterparts—for example, a bird-type beastmen gaining features from a phoenix. However, there are few recorded instances of this happening to a beastman. But most people assume it was because of genetics or their magic.
The lifespan again depends on the type. Some share the average lifespan of a human, while others exceed that.
Average Physique
Their physique can range from being unbelievably bulky and tall to be more petite and skinny. So it kind of becomes a case-by-case basis.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
As you expect, the markings and coloring they have mirrors that of real-world animals. However, it is not uncommon to see one born with distinct markings on their body. Most of the color on their body looks similar to their environment to make it easier to hide from people or hunt.

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