Reborn Profession in ID Quest | World Anvil
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Shadows of Your Former Life

I'll like to thank Petrizani Martina for the cover art. She has a world anvil account if you want to view more of her work.
Out of all the tanking-type classes, Reborn is by far the strangest. Within lore, no one can simply become this class. Instead, to become a Reborn, one must die and reincarnate. How people reincarnate is a case-by-case basis situation. Sometimes the gods have something to do with it; sometimes, they make deals to return to the material plane, or the individual in question got extremely lucky. Whatever the case is, they are now in a new body.   Despite gaining a new body, a Reborn can not escape their previous life. They will sometimes see memories from their past self and feel phantom pains. However, what will commonly happen to a Reborn is their past life manifesting itself in their body. Manifestations come in the form of mutations in their current body. For example, a human with a dragon's previous life can gain a draconic arm or sprout wings. In other cases, their body becomes monstrous, and the traits from their past life get exaggerated and combined with their new body.   Those who are Reborn take these changes in one of three ways:
  1. First, the two personalities become a dangerous combination and become drunk off of their power, only thirsting for more. In this case, it can be mutual, or one of the personalities overshadows their counterpart.
  2. Second, the Reborn accept themselves for who they were and who they are now. The two personalities work together now to understand their power and master it.
  3. Third, the Reborn is horrified with their transformation and wants nothing more than to turn back to who they were while ensuring they do not lose control of themselves. These are more reluctant ones.
Interestingly enough, these common behaviors show how the class progresses.   Since a Reborn can be a combination of just about anything, it is hard to describe the abilities one might have. However, because of this, they end being a wild card of sorts. For themselves, to their friends, and to the world itself.



There aren't any qualifications for becoming this class since all it takes is dying and getting lucky enough to be reincarnated.

Career Progression

Like all classes, Reborns can rank up into advanced versions of themselves. Reborn has three pathways they can go down.  
  1. The first path is an Abomination. Abominations crave more and develop more bodily mutations. However, they are more unstable and can snap on a dime. Their master class advancement is Cursed Bulwark. After going through their power journey, they have gained their sense of self, and they use their various abilities to protect their allies.
  2. The second path leads to a Shifter. Since Shifters have accepted both sides of themselves, they can freely switch between their forms and manifest new abilities because of it. Their master class advancement is Origin Augmentor. After understanding a simple truth, they gain a potent boost to their power and ability to combine their racial abilities to form something new.
  3. The third path leads to a Returner. Returners have finally gained their body back but at the price of being haunted by their other-self. The master class advancement is Demi-Monstrum. After realizing that no one's birth is a mistake, they finally come to terms with being reincarnated. Instead of fighting, they can now work together with the being inside of them.
Abomination Cursed Bulwark
Reborn Shifter Origin Augmentor
Returner Demi-Monstrum

Payment & Reimbursement

Like most adventurers, they get paid by completing their quest. Typically in XP, GP, and items.

Other Benefits

Besides being an ultra-powerful hybrid that's unhinged at times, there aren't any real benefits gained. One possible benefit is people of a higher might find interesting, but that's about it.



The purpose and why people continuously reincarnate are unknown. However, some people theorize it might have something to do with the gods or the will of the world itself. Gameplay-wise, they serve as a monstrous tank, killing anything that's in front of them with their unique abilities.

Social Status

Some people fear them because of their bodies, how unstable some can be, and how powerful they are. Others find them interesting while others want to know how they tick.


A tiny percent of the population of IDQ, so small it is hard to tell. Besides the fact you need to get lucky to be reincarnated, some Reborn cover their body, so they do not stand out or get attention. So it ends up becoming hard to tell how many Reborn exist. Another factor a Reborn could be born right now, and people wouldn't know.



The tools a Reborn might use are on a case-by-case basis. Since their bodies are monstrous, most of them use their bodies as weapons. However, this doesn't stop some Reborn from figuring out how to wield a weapon effectively or wearing armor.


The workplace a Reborn might have depends on the Reborn in question. Some might try living a regular life, continue working in their previous jobs without any trouble. While others live out in the wild, living off the land.

Dangers & Hazards

The only natural hazard there is to themselves. Since depending on the route the Reborn goes down, they might not control themselves.


  The creation behind the Reborn class has some history. It was a part of the set of classes where I wanted to experiment with the idea of people having powers and abilities not related to magic. However, I was running out of ideas for certain class types, and I have a habit of updating things in groups instead of one at a time. So after thinking, I realized a couple of things. First, I saw people who wanted to play races that were not available or hybrid-related classes. Second, I saw how common the isekai/reincarnated trope was in anime. Commonly, the protagonist is reborn and uses their previous knowledge and their power in their current life to progress through their individual stories. Using this concept and mixing it with the systems in place, Reborn was born.
Alternative Names
Reborns are often called monsters, reincarnates, beasts, hybrids, and other names of that nature. Unfortunately, most of these names are derogatory, or those who use them do not know the proper terms.
The demand for Reborns is pretty low. Besides needing to die for a tiny chance, most people do not want to become this class after seeing the turmoil and the mutations people go through as a Reborn.
Since Reborns are more of a supernatural case, there aren't any laws against this. There, however, are laws against creating artificial Reborns. Mainly due to the fact of most cases of artificial ones end up with them being extremely aggressive or it was against their will.

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