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Asmodeus (æz-mo-DAY-us)

Asmodeus is a lawful evil creature with the goal of becoming the supreme being in the multiverse even if it requires destroying the current multiverse and creating a new one. While the method he wants to use to achieve this goal is not publicly known, and the only one who has the necessary knowledge to piece the method together hopes that it is not the one Asmodeus wants to use, that Asmodeus wants to take over the multiverse for himself is a known fact. He genuinely believes that a bright future awaits the multiverse if he is to rule it. As arrogant as this claim sounds, Asmodeus has the competence to back it up.   When faced directly, he presents himself as a confident and eloquent man who is quite reasonable to talk with. In fact, it is quite difficult to see past his manners and realize that he is an evil person best left in Hell. His confidence is real and rooted in his knowledge to be one of the most powerful creatures in existence. However, he is not above pretending to know more than he does. Thus, he pretends to not just know but also foresee the actions of people who genuinely surprise him.   His threshold for rewarding someone was fairly low, providing that someone is willing to sign away his or her soul. Once the mortal worshiper is dead, what awaited him or her was eternal servitude.  

Tenets of Faith

Youth and innocence demand corruption. That which is young and innocent must be corrupted. Take advantage of these things, and use them to your advantage. Corrupting the innocent teaches them a valuable lesson and, ultimately, serves them better than protecting them.   Ambition and greed are natural. Every mortal creature experiences ambition, greed, and jealousy. For whatever reason, the gods placed these values within their creations. As a result, you should not feel guilt for experiencing these feelings. Indeed, you should revel in them. Ambition and greed work to your advantage.   Exploit every weakness. The Cult of Asmodeus strives to uncover secrets and weaknesses of important leaders within the community. Asmodeus teaches that you should learn everyone’s weaknesses so that you may better exploit them for your gain. The best strategy is to hold this advantage over your victim, keeping them under your thumb for later use. This is the primary way the Cult of Asmodeus grows and expands – they strike at people’s vulnerabilities and use blackmail to pull them into the cult’s clutches.   Destroy that which cannot be corrupted. If someone or something cannot be controlled, corrupted, or manipulated, you must eliminate it. Any such person cannot be trusted, and ultimately represents a threat to the entire community. Anything that is beyond reproach does not have mortal interests first and foremost.  


Asmodeus doesn't need mortal worship to either maintain or enhance his power, but rather wants to lure mortals to atheism to receive their souls and heal his wounds. Nevertheless, Asmodeus has a large following, much larger than any other infernal cult combined, such that his is often the first choice for prospective devil-worshipers. Furthermore, every diabolic cult is viewed as a subdivision of Asmodeus's cult and ultimately swore allegiance to him and not the entity it follows. In fact, what boons the other cults would provide is not determined by their archdevils but by Asmodeus.   While Asmodeus maintains cults dedicated to fictional entities, those cults in which he is worshiped as himself fell into a category called a revealed cult. Their followers understand that their object of worship is a devil.
Symbol: Three inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle   Divine Classification: God / Archdevil   Portfolio: Indulgence   Domains: Knowledge, Order, Trickery   Alignment: Lawful Evil   Home Plane: Nessus   Worshipers: Diabolical cults   Cleric Alignments: LE, NE

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