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Bahamut (ba-HA-mut)

Bahamut, also known as the "Lord of the North Wind" or "Justicemaker", is the god of enlightened justice and wisdom. His natural form was that of a platinum dragon, said by many to be the only one of his kind. He was also the eternal rival of his sister Tiamat, queen of the chromatic dragons.   In his natural form, Bahamut is a massive dragon approximately 180 feet (55 meters) long, with a tail the same length as his body, with platinum scales tougher than any shield (said by some to be virtually indestructible) that glow with a faint blue sheen, and blue eyes, the exact color of which is hard to specify and depend on Bahamut's mood.   When he wishes to wander the mortal world, he usually takes the appearance of an old human or demi-human dressed in peasant robes accompanied by seven canaries. Some sages believe Bahamut uses this humanoid guise to not frighten non-dragon beings. They also believe that while Bahamut is fond of his old man guise, he has other guises as well. Other recorded guises included that of a prince with a carriage drawn by seven horses, an urchin accompanied by seven friends, and a beggar followed by seven dogs.  

Tenants of Faith

Combat evil in all its forms. Bahamut stands as the foremost champion in the fight against evil, corruption, and despair. The chief tenet of the faith is simple: evil must be confronted and eliminated. Of all the good deities, Bahamut stands at the forefront in the fight against evil, corruption, and despair. He represents the ceaseless eternal struggle against the darkness; he never surrenders, and his followers are held to the same expectation.   Commit no harm in the process. This serves as a proviso to the first credo. Put another way, the ends do not justify the means. The Church of Bahamut urges its clerics to pursue and defeat evil, but to always take into consideration innocent bystanders and the defenseless. If a cleric (or paladin or other servant) of Bahamut is faced with the choice of aiding an innocent or pursuing evil, the innocent’s needs come first, all things being equal.   Bring aid to those in need. The faith of Bahamut focuses on more than simply taking the battle to evil. Along the way, a cleric of Bahamut is expected to heal the injured, cure the sick, feed the hungry, and shelter the homeless as much as is possible. If the cleric possesses a blanket yet his neighbor has none, that cleric should surrender his blanket to the less fortunate individual. Clerics of the Platinum Dragon are held to an extremely high standard of generosity and mercy to the innocent.   Offer mercy but once. The previous tenet does not extend to those who spit on a cleric’s generosity or mercy. If an individual receives mercy and then proceeds to commit an evil deed, he does not receive a third chance to repent. Any person who commits evil after receiving mercy deserves full and swift punishment. Bahamut’s clerics can go from caring and compassionate individuals to deliberate avengers in short order.  


His worship has grown in the decades following the Cataclysm, when he spent his time converting chromatic dragons from the teachings of his sister Tiamat. Bahamut accepted only clerics of good alignments. Whether they were dragons, dragonborn, half-dragons, or other beings attracted to his philosophy, clerics of the Platinum Dragon always had to strive to take constant but subtle actions on behalf of good while trying to do as little harm in the process as possible.   Non-draconic clerics of Bahamut typically learned his teachings at the foot of a wyrm, usually a gold or silver dragon in humanoid form. Teacher and student often traveled to see the effects of injustice and cruelty firsthand.   However, the Platinum Dragon’s compassion has been known to extend to all seeking grace or redemption. As such, his standing as an independent deity has since seen a steady rise. Bahamut’s worshipers and clergy had no formal rituals or ceremonies. Those who followed the Platinum Dragon believed on the philosophy of “praying through their deeds”. The only activity that was considered as something like a ritual was the Rite of Rebirth, the magical process by which non-dragon humanoids transformed themselves into dragonborn.
Symbol: A dragon's head (silver in color) in profile on a shield (usually blue)   Divine Classification: God   Portfolio: Metallic Dragons, Wind, Wisdom   Domains: Life, War   Alignment: Lawful Good   Home Plane: Mount Celestia   Worshipers: Metallic dragons, anyone seeking protection from evil dragons   Cleric Alignments: LG, NG

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