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Beshaba (be-SHAH-ba)

Beshaba, the Maid of Misfortune, is a deity feared and placated in Iddoxiar much more than she is venerated. When represented, she is shown much like her avatar appears, as a lovely maiden with snow-white hair, her features twisted by maniacal laughter.   Beshaba is spiteful, petty and malicious. While most people tremble in fear at Beshaba's attendance at any event even in spirit, Beshaba is almost always invited and welcomed formally in the opening speeches or ceremonies of formal functions (such as marriages and coronations), contests of sport or martial prowess, and at the naming ceremonies of children. If she is not so invited, she may take offense and wreak endless misfortune upon those involved.  

Tenets of Faith

Bad things happen to everyone, and only by following Beshaba may a person perhaps be spared the worst of her effects. Too much good luck is a bad thing, and to even it out, the wise should plan to undermine the fortunate. Whatever happens, it can only get worse.   Beshaba charges her novices to simply fear her and revere her. All her clergy are to spread the message across Iddoxiar to obey Beshaba and make offerings to appease her. If she is not appeased, all will taste firsthand the curse that is spreading Iddoxiar-wide: "Beshaba provides!" (What she provides, of course, is misfortune to all and in generous supply.) Her clergy are to make others worship her and then they will be spared the ill luck she can bring. They should not falsely advise any being in how to worship Beshaba, or they will pay the price of being cast out and cursed with misfortune all their days.  


Beshaba is worshiped largely out of fear, and it is the task of her clergy to spread that fear by starting talk of Beshaba's power and latest wickedness and by instructing all in how to make offerings to her or in how to join her clergy if they would prefer to be protected against all misfortune. Along the way, the members of her priesthood take care to indulge their tastes for random cruelty and sadism. They enjoy acting mysteriously to manipulate simpler folk into serving them in matters both great and small, from providing them with food, luxurious shelter, and companionship to giving them weapons to wield against their rivals in the church of Beshaba and against the clergy of all other faiths.   Beshaba is worshiped in two ways: by those who believe only in her power and wish to appease her and by her faithful clergy.   To appease Beshaba, one must make an offering of something valuable and hold it in flames until it is at least partially consumed. Beshaba's name must be called out while this is done, and a prayer of praise and entreaty must made while on one's knees immediately afterward. Beshaba is said to look more kindly on entreaties made by those who allow themselves to burn their fingers somewhat in the offering.   Priests of Beshaba must make an offering to the Lady at least once a day by setting fire to brandy, wine, or spirits while uttering the name of the goddess and dipping a black antler tine into the mixture; prayers follow. A second prayer similar to the first must be made to Beshaba each night outside under a dark sky. If a member of the clergy is forcibly confined, at least a prayer during the hours of darkness is expected to be attempted. The nighttime offering is a personal prayer for guidance, and the goddess often answers it with nightmare visions later in the evening.
Symbol: A rack of sharp-pointed black antlers on a red triangular field   Divine Classification: Goddess   Portfolio: Random mischief, Misfortune, Bad luck, Accidents   Domains: Trickery   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Home Plane: The Barrens of Doom and Despair   Worshipers: Assassins, auspicians, capricious individuals, gamblers, rogues, sadists   Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, LE

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