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Diirinka (Dir-ink-ah)

Diirinka is utterly insane, often spending days at a time in some dark cavern simply rambling on about utter nonsense. From these indecipherable conversations with himself it is said that Diirinka learns all there is to know about the universe and everything in it. It is rumored that he can even predict events that have not yet come to pass with perfect accuracy. Most believe that Diirinka can somehow "listen" to the very fabric of the Far Realm and that his thoughts are inexplicably tied to that horrible plane.  

Tenets of Faith

Enslave, torture, or murder those weaker than yourself whenever you can, especially if you have something to gain from it. If you do not, they will do the same to you as soon as the opportunity arises. Obey traditions and laws only so long as it is beneficial to do so, and do not bind yourself to any personal code. Such tools are for the weak, and the weak are bound to die. Seek personal power in any form possible, particularly if it also weakens potential enemies or fulfills one of the other teachings. Do not let others inhibit your pursuit of power: they do so only to protect their own.  


Prayers to Diirinka are offered in the form of sacrifices, coupled with a long list of all the important deeds the priest has recently performed in the name of the Great Savant. In order for a sacrifice to be considered worthy, the victim must first be tortured for a period of at least one hour, but a priest is more likely to receive Diirinka's favor if he tortures his victim for even longer periods: the most extravagant offerings can last for weeks. Just before the victim is killed, his body is branded with hundreds of gaping smiles. The typical method of finishing a prepared sacrifice is to cut the victim’s throat with a ceremonial dagger, but some priests prefer a more brutal execution.
Symbol: Spiral of white, gray, and black   Divine Classification: God   Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Dream, Dwarves, Suffering   Domains: Cruelty, Magic, Knowledge   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Home Plane: Hidden Betrayal   Worshipers: Underdark inhabitants   Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE

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