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Eldath (EL-dath)

Eldath was known as the Great Mender/Mother, the Meadow Mother, the Peacekeeper, and the Forgotten Goddess. Eldath was a pacifist and usually took no hostile actions even when threatened. This is one of the reasons that Eldath is almost a forgotten power, along with the fact that worshipers of Eldath are few and far between.  

Tenets of Faith

Peace. Peace must be strived for in every situation. There is always a peaceful solution to every conflict. You cannot have peace with the world until you are at peace with yourself.   Helpfulness. It is the responsibility of those in need to help those less fortunate whether that be by healing others or providing food for them. Only by helping others and humbling oneself can you understand what love is. It is the responsibility to plant crops in abundance so that you will be able to share with others.   Love. The road to peace is paved in love. Love is the foundation of all. It is only by understanding love, true love, that one can come to peace. There is no other path.  


Nestled in Mirror Falls on the island of Haven, the Church of Eldath cares for each other and the island. An insular community, the Church of Eldath cares little for the concerns of the outside world, preferring to focus on internal peace and enlightenment. With a population of roughly 1,000 people in Haven, the Church itself is fairly small compared to the other churches, but their devotion is said to be fiercer.   The church believes that their role in society is to continue the memory and worship of Eldath. To that end, they have come to believe that it is their responsibility to advance themselves spiritually that they might be prepared when Eldath returns once again. In the end, the goal of the church is that Eldath will return once more to bring lasting peace to Valn’ar and be restored to her rightful place among the divines. In so doing, they believe that they will be richly rewarded by Eldath and the Prime Deities for this sacred responsibility. However, there is significant disagreement as to what sort of reward it will be.   Eldath is the sacred head of the Church of Eldath. The church believes that she is all-powerful and all-seeing. Yet she still allows the Children of Creation to make their own mistakes, preferring to act as a nurturing mother and allow free will to prevail than control the minds and thoughts of her creations.
Symbol: Waterfall plunging into still pool   Divine Classification: Goddess   Portfolio: Peace, Healing, Agriculture, Love, Waterfalls, Pools   Domains: Life, Nature   Alignment: Neutral   Home Plane: Unknown   Worshipers: Druids, pacifists, rangers   Cleric Alignments: CN, NG, LN

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