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Melora, being the goddess of nature, does not oppose the proper and respectful use of nature’s bounty. She understands that people must hunt, grow food, and fashion clothing and shelter. She is not interested with merely preserving the wilderness untouched and unspoiled. Rather, Melora seeks to maintain wilderness as home to as many plants, animals, and creatures as possible. If some creatures must die to support the others, so be it. If, however, some of the inhabitants despoil or taint the land, Melora grows angry. Those who misuse or abuse the wilds are most apt to draw her ire, and are likely to incur a visit from several vengeful Melora clerics or followers. The goddess despises cities and large towns, and sees these as wasteful, extravagant, and devoid of life. The unchecked spread of civilization represents, to Melora, a cancer that must be checked and reversed when possible.   Although Melora does not encourage reprisals against city dwellers, she rarely takes steps to discourage such reactions. Indeed, a number of zealous Melora cults have devoted their efforts to destroying the encroachment of civilization into the wilds. These cults, such as the Blood Talons, have often proven violent, unpredictable, and aggressive in their punitive activities.   Melora reveals several different faces or aspects in the mortal worlds. As the goddess of nature, Melora encompasses all the power, majesty, and ferocity contained in that concept. Nature can be destructive, savage, wild, and untamed. It can also prove restful, serene, awe-inspiring, and life-giving. The goddess reveals all these different realities.   There is no organized church of Melora on Iddoxiar. Her priesthood has little need for organized temples, hierarchy of leadership, or formal training. Indeed, any person who feels the call to serve Melora as a cleric may do so, assuming they devote their lives to her cause. Her clerics rarely concern themselves with buildings or specific liturgy, let alone “appropriate” robes, hats, or other religious paraphernalia often associated with other faiths. Melora clerics spend their lives traveling and exploring, undertaking her service wherever they go.   Most worshippers devoted to Melora are independent, stubborn, hardy, and enjoy their privacy. They see no need to travel to some building of stone or wood to worship the glory of nature.  

Tenets of Faith

Protect the wild places of the world from destruction and overuse. As mentioned, Melora understands the need for creatures to use natural resources to survive. She does not, however, tolerate the wanton or needless destruction of woodlands, grasslands, or waterways. Chopping down some trees to build homes is one thing; clearing an entire swath of forest is going too far. She calls upon her clerics to protect wilderness areas from such destruction, including destroying those responsible if necessary.   Oppose the rampant spread of cities and empires. The goddess holds a strong dislike for cities and large, spreading civilizations. Melora calls upon her clerics to fight the spread of the urban landscape. Not surprisingly, a number of Melora’s cults have become somewhat vehement in their pursuit of this tenet. There is a large and growing portion of Melora’s faith that is seen as militant. Most of her followers, however, have no interest in destroying buildings, but rather in finding ways to limit the growth of communities through peaceful ways.   Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature. Since the end of the Dawn War, the mortal realms have suffered the existence of countless horrible, unnatural, and destructive monstrosities. The two most abhorrent to Melora include the undead and aberrations. She calls upon her clerics to pursue and destroy creatures of either type whenever possible. As far as Melora’s clerics are concerned, there can be no cooperation with or acceptance of any undead or aberrant creature. Such monsters must be hunted and destroyed, as they represent a direct threat to the natural order. A number of Melora’s sects spend their lives pursuing this tenet, including the mysterious Seekers of the Azure Path.   Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature. Live in harmony with the wild. Nature can be cruel and destructive at times. Nature can kill or maim with little regard for wealth, status, or position. Melora calls upon her clerics to teach this truth to everyone they encounter. People must respect nature, not fear or condemn it. Animals hunt to live, animals kill to eat. This does not make them evil. Any aspect of nature, be it animal, weather, or natural event, is neutral and simply part of life. Clerics teach people how to live in harmony with nature, but they also teach that nature is inherently unpredictable. Violence is a necessary part of life; all creatures kill to survive.  


Melora’s clerics do a lot of traveling, wandering from region to region in pursuit of Melora’s wishes. Some clerics remain connection to a specific geographic region. These individuals often consider themselves guardians of a sacred location, such as a druid’s grove, a waterfall, or a hilltop.   All Melora clerics, regardless of where they are, seek to educate others in how to make use of nature and how to respect it. There are proper ways to gather wood, hunt for game, and build fires. Those who choose not to respect nature get what they deserve.
Symbol: A blue swirl depicted on a seashell   Divine Classification: Goddess   Portfolio: Wilderness, Wild beasts, Growth, Natural beauty, Fresh water   Domains: Nature, Life, Tempest   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Home Plane: House of Nature   Worshipers: Elves, Hunters, Sailors   Cleric Alignments: Any. As a rule, few of Melora’s clerics are evil. Evil creatures rarely have much respect for nature or its resources.

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