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Pelor (Pay-loor)

The Sun God, Pelor is widely respected and worshipped across Iddoxiar by many mortals. He belongs to the triad of "head" deities, including Lathander and Ioun, and enjoys widespread influence and support in virtually every civilized region.   As a god, Pelor has always been somewhat unconventional, especially in his views and attitudes towards mortal creatures. A number of gods could best be described as cold or aloof towards mortals. Pelor, on the other hand, actively cares about mortals and their suffering, and his faith has dedicated its existence to improving the mortal condition.   The Church of Pelor, although not quite as large as that of Bahamut, nonetheless enjoys a level of unmatched popularity, especially amongst humans, halflings, and half-elves, and to a lesser extent, dwarves and dragonborn. Almost every community, from the smallest hamlet to the largest metropolis, features a shrine, church, or grand cathedral dedicated to the Dawnfather. No other faith can truly compare with the beauty and grandeur of Pelor’s church.   Pelor’s clerics travel widely from place to place, educating people, helping the needy, and protecting the defenseless. No other faith enjoys the broad popularity and appreciation as Pelor’s. Even given the oftentimes-patriarchal nature of the Church, Pelor’s clerics are viewed favorably by people from all walks of life.  

Tenets of Faith

Alleviate suffering wherever you find it. As a god, Pelor has no need for or interest in wealth, power, or offerings from mortals. The only sincere and proper way to serve Pelor is to provide aid and comfort to mortals. He calls upon his clerics to feed the starving, bring water to those dying of thirst, cure the sick, and heal the wounded. As opposed to evil and corruption as Pelor may be, he places the needs of the innocent first and foremost. Alleviating suffering must come first; there will always be time to smite evil later.   Bring Pelor’s light into places of darkness, showing kindness, mercy, and compassion. Clerics of Pelor often pass where others refuse to enter. They are called by their faith to bring Pelor’s radiant light everywhere. They illuminate the darkness with His light, giving hope to the good and bringing fear to the wicked. Bringing Pelor’s light thus serves two purposes.   Be vigilant against evil. Pelor calls upon his clerics to defend against evil and oppose it wherever it arises. Although Pelor’s faith is not as zealous in the pursuit and destruction of evil compared to that of Lathander, the Sun God nonetheless demands his servants share the burden of the eternal conflict. At times, direct confrontation becomes necessary. Often, however, opposing evil has more to do with healing and aiding the needy and the helpless than it has to do with warfare or violence. The best way to resist evil is to prevent it, usually by removing the conditions that permit evil to spread unchecked. Discontent, loss, fear, and anger serve as the breeding ground for corruption and evil.  


Clerics of Pelor, whether they serve in a specific cathedral, travel from community to community, or cloister themselves away in a monastery, live under the same overall expectations.   The first and most important duty relates to relations with other people. Clerics of Pelor demonstrate their devotion to the Sun God through their treatment of other people. Thus, clerics of Pelor donate to charities, volunteer for good causes, advise the forlorn, guide the lost, and educate the young. Because Pelor is a god and needs nothing from mortals, the best way to serve him is to help those who need it most – other goodly creatures.   Pelor’s clerics also strive to fight evil and protect the innocent from evil’s corrupting influences. Many people lack the strength, the will, or the means to protect themselves. Clerics of Pelor have the training, education, spiritual guidance, and power to defend people and combat evil. In this way, his clerics often see themselves as the vanguard against the dark forces of the world. They serve on the front lines of the eternal battle between good and evil. Pelor’s clerics fight to defend others and preserve their fellow creatures.   Although Pelor and Bahamut share similar attitudes towards evil, these two gods and their mortal churches pursue these attitudes somewhat differently. Whereas Bahamut’s clerics are aggressive in attacking evil, the followers of Pelor are urged to give consideration first to the weak and the defenseless. A number of Bahamut’s tenets promote this same attitude, but in current times his followers have become increasingly zealous about destroying evil, with less concern for the collateral damage their war inflicts. Pelor’s clerics often end up cleaning up the mess left by their Bahamut brothers.
Symbol: Circle with six outwardly radiating points   Divine Classification: God   Portfolio: Good, Healing, Strength, Sun, Travel, Community, Glory   Domains: Life, Light, Nature   Alignment: Neutral Good   Home Plane: The Endless Athenaeum   Worshipers: Seers, Sages, Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Scholars   Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG

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