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Tiamat (Tea-a-maht)

Amongst the gods there are a number of unyielding, bitter, and eternal hatreds and rivalries. Few of these feuds equal the ferocity of that between Bahamut and Tiamat.   In a sense, Tiamat is the twin sister of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. The two majors gods were born even as their great father, Io, perished during the Dawn War. As Io fell, both Bahamut and Tiamat rose from the corpse, each receiving half of the father’s attributes, strengths, and weaknesses.   Although Bahamut boasts the largest organized faith in Iddoxiar, his twin sister’s is amongst the smallest and least organized. Indeed, while Bahamut draws worshippers from a wide gamut of races, Tiamat attracts almost entirely from dragons and dragonborn. Few other races seem interested in the Dragon Queen, and the goddess has little concern for those without draconic blood flowing in their veins.   Across Iddoxiar, there are relatively few churches devoted to Tiamat. The existing temples are, for the most part, located in isolated or remote areas, far from human or dwarven cities. Tiamat’s faith has little in the way of structure or organization, and there has never been a “mother church” or overarching hierarchy. Each temple serves Tiamat in its own way, with little regard for other temples or priests.  

Tenets of Faith

Hoard wealth, acquiring much and spending little. Wealth is its own reward. Wealth is a necessary and vital part of every creature’s existence. Wealth determines your stature, your influence, and to some extent your power over others. Individuals without wealth are inevitably weak, helpless, or irrelevant. The accumulation of wealth, whatever its form, is the ultimate way to demonstrate your true worth and value. Gold, silver, gems, jewels, magic items, and similar baubles are the purest things in the world.   Forgive no slight and leave no wrong unpunished. Tiamat is not just the goddess of greed, but she also teaches the importance of holding a grudge and – more importantly – the art of retribution. Every insult, every slight, every disparaging word deserves punishment.   Take what you desire from others. Those who lack the strength to defend their possessions are not worthy to own them. Followers of Tiamat believe strongly that might equals right. If you see something you want, you should take it, or accept your weakness and inability to do so. If you succeed, you obviously deserved the spoils of war. If you failed, you are obviously undeserving.  


Priests of Tiamat are unusual in that their duties are rather simple and straightforward. First and foremost is donating a tithe of all earnings to Tiamat. This amount goes to fund the local temple, with the intent of making it as opulent and impressive as possible.   Beyond that goal, a Tiamat’s cleric other duties involve locating, gathering, and hoarding as much wealth in as many forms as possible. For many dragons, such a pursuit is as natural as breathing air. For other creatures, however, such a narrow focus on owning wealth purely for its own sake is not as common.
Symbol: Chromatic colored five claw marks   Divine Classification: Goddess   Portfolio: Evil Dragons, Destruction   Domains: Trickery, Order, War   Alignment: Chaotic/Lawful Evil   Home Plane: Avernus   Worshipers: Chromatic dragons, evil dragons, evil reptiles, fighters, sorcerers, thieves, and vandals   Cleric Alignments: N, LN, NG

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