Azyr Tarrat

Whatever your mind desire, you will find it here. And if not, all you have to do is ask, and it will be brought to you.
— Advertisement for Azyr Tarrat, seen on Terra

The Imperium is made of dozens of thousands of dimensions, so much that nobody can realistically keep count. However, there is only one Azyr Tarrat. Dedicated solely to pleasure and fun, the whole dimension is one gigantic party. The only buildings are hotels, casinos and leasure centers. Even setting foot there cost a small fortune, and only a select few can dream of living there for their whole lives.


Living the high life


Nobody makes money on Azyr Tarrat, they only spend ludicrous amounts. Less than a thousand people across all the Imperium permanently live on the dimension, all among the greatest fortunes there is. They are either children of the biggest industry magnates that will not take over after their parents or don't plan to outlive them, voluntary exiled with enough money for several lifetimes or retired Explorers. Even business owners have to take their personal Gateway to get back home when the day is over. As irrational as it sounds, purchasing a gateway for a building or even in a private room is cheaper than the cost of life.


Party all year long


There is too much to do in Azyr Tarrat to experience everything in a hundred lifetimes. From the most obscure games to the finest cuisine, anything that exists can be ordered and delivered within the hour, two at most. Even illegal hobbies, such as hunting rare species for sport or deadly brawls are proposed.

"Do not worry about the legal side of things, my dear. The creature you see here is genetically engineered from scratch and differs sufficiently from the original to be technically a different species. I can assure you that its DNA is 99.5% identical, and most importantly... it's the last specimen that we will have before a looong time. Interested?"

Mass Importation


A dimension like Azyr Tarrat spend in a year the same amount of resources that ten others in the same relative time. Since the dimension doesn't produce anything by itself, every single product has to be imported. A quarter of the surface of the planet is a giant triage centre and transportation hub, connected to 78 Internation Gateways. A spider-like subterranean web of tunnels spreads all over the globe, feeding the ever-hungry palaces.

Cover image: I.D.E.A. headquarters by Rumengol via MidJourney


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Jul 23, 2024 02:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Gosh, that sounds like it would be such an overwhelming place. And dangerous for your wallet!!

Jul 23, 2024 06:10

At this point you need to carry your bank on your back.

Hoo~ Hoo